Thursday, October 30, 2014

Sickness and wins

Whew, this week has NOT been a good week at the Barker household.  Taydem woke up early early Monday morning with fever.  So I kept her home from school.  Which means I had to stay home from work.  My parents have been in Tennessee for 2 weeks so I couldn't call on Mom this time for help.  Just when I thought she was getting better, she woke up me up about 11:30 on Monday night with 102.5 temperture and a major headache.  So I set my alarm clock every few hours to check on her and since the girls are sharing a room we put Tenlee in bed with us. sleep for us! Tenlee tossed and kicked like a fish all night! So I took Taydem to the doctor on Tuesday and found out she had strep.  No good.  So I knew she had to stay home again on Wednesday! She felt so bad on Tuesday. 
Well Tuesday when I picked Tenlee up from the daycare they told me she had been more fussy that day than usual and her eye had started to mat up and her nose started to run.  No good.  So I figured since I was already staying home with Taydem on Wednesday, I might as well take Tenlee on to the doctor.  Double ear infection! Are you kidding me.  When the doctor said that, Taydem looked over at me and said, "Great, hearing aids for Tenlee too!" Well, let's hope not Taydem. 
And while all of this has been going on with us girls, Leven is winning volleyball games and stuff! Kidding.  Leven can't help it that he can't help.  He did stay home with Taydem on Tuesday morning for 3 hours so I could go into work for a little bit and then met me in town and handed her off to me so I could take her to the doctor.  He had a game that night, his last district game, and they won! They ended their district run with a perfect 9-0!  They have their first playoff game this coming Monday night against Center and Carthage!

Thursday, October 23, 2014

Throwing it Back

This is my throwback Thursday.
This is a picture of my Aunt Melinda and myself when I was just a little child.  I'm thinking I was probably about 2 here.  This picture makes me smile more than you know.  My Aunt died of lung cancer when I was 21 and she (I believe) was the young age of 44.  This really hits home to me now because at the time I felt like 44 was so far away from 21.  Well, HELLO, my husband is 42! We loved her so much.  She lived next door to me my whole life and she was the "fun" Aunt! 
I can still remember the night she died as if it were yesterday.  Darin and I were going to school at Sam Houston and we all knew she had cancer and was told she only had a few months to live.  Then it got down to weeks.  Her final days we were off at school while everyone else was back at home telling her their goodbyes.  Darin had a huge final that he had to take one night and then we were going to haul butt home to see her.  I'll never forget it.  We took all these country back roads thinking it would be the quickest and he ended up getting pulled over.  We had driven in silence up until the cop started talking to us anyways so the emotion was already built up.  So when he asked us why we were speeding and Darin told him, the cop kind of laughed and said that we could've come up with a better excuse than that.  I thought Darin was going to jump out of that car and beat that cop up right there!! We really told the truth, but the cop had no idea.  He thought we were just some trouble kids I'm sure driving late at night speeding to get somewhere.  Darin started crying to the cop (whoa, Darin never cries and still doesn't to this day!) but the "tough" cop didn't want to hear it.  He told Darin to call the judge and take it up with him.  So we left and drove in silence again, until we reached the hospital. 
We got there around midnight.  My cousin Whitney, my other Aunt Gwyn and one of my great Aunts were in the room with my Aunt Melinda. My Aunt Gwyn said that Melinda was waiting for us.  We walked over to her and we both just started talking to her.  Of course she couldn't talk back.  But we knew that she knew we were there.  It was such a special moment for us.  It gives me chills right now telling you about it.  Watching her struggle for her breath that night and knowing that she was getting close to leaving us, hurt so bad.  I'll never forget the pain I felt for her.  We kissed her, loved on her and said our goodbyes and we left.  Darin and I got about 3 miles down the road and my Aunt Gwyn called me, Melinda had passed.  She waited.  She waited for Darin and I.  Again, we rode in silence.  I'm not sure if Darin remembers that night the way that I remember it, but it's a night that I will always remember that I shared with him. 
I miss her and certain things remind me of her all the time. 
 She has 3 grandsons and 1 more on the way.  I know she's proud.

Tuesday, October 21, 2014

Cooler weather and Fall Fun

This weekened was so nice and relaxing...for once...nothing planned.  When we have nothing planned it drives Taydem crazy, which then drives me crazy.  Since the day she was born all she knows is GO GO GO.  I didn't get out of my pjs until about 3:00 pm on Saturday.  Then it was time to run the girls up to the high school to the fall festival.  Julia was spending the night so she tagged along.  Taydem is just going to be a UT cheerleader for Halloween (saving money, she wore this costume for the M&M program back in May.  It's been pretty easy telling her we have to save money for "the house".  I think she's tired of the apartment as well!).  And I bought Tenlee a Cabbage Patch wig (just because I think it's so dang cute) and she also has a Lady Bug costume. They had fun at the festival and won tons of money.   

 Oh isn't Brittyn the prettiest BATWOMAN you have EVER SEEN??
 And we can't forget about Baylee...the prettiest pumpkin!
Speaking of the house....we are getting pretty tired of the apartment.  I feel like we are starting to be more and more like hoarders.  We keep bringing more stuff in but not taking stuff out! I can't even imagine after Christmas! Eeek! I may go crazy. So my parents are in Tennesse right now and when they get back we are starting on clearing the lot and getting the ball rolling. 
 It's time....finally!

Friday, October 17, 2014

Pink It is..........

October is the "Pink Month." And I love it.  What a great way to honor those who are fighting cancer and those who have beat that nasty disease.  Tuesday night Leven's volleyball team had their "PINK OUT" night and today Tatum is having theirs. 
 So this morning Taydem put on her pink shirt and her new black boots and she was RET to go! Oh...can't forget that pink bow! She looked too cute.  She makes me smile so big.  Love her to pieces.  She helps me out so much with Tenlee. 
And Tenlee can't keep her eyes off Taydem. 
I'm sending Trever a "CARE PACKAGE" in the mail today.  I put a bunch of goodies in this box to let him know how much we love and miss him back here at home.  Taydem made him a card, my parents sent him a little something and I threw in all kinds of junk! He's doing so well right now with all his grades, I just want him to know how proud of him we are. 
And for him to keep working hard!!
 I know it's not easy....I don't miss school one bit!
But we do miss him. 
Tenlee and Baylee's 6 month pictures turned out super cute.  We got just a few "sneak peeks" back last night.  We can't wait to get our CD back from the photographer. 


Wednesday, October 15, 2014


These past few days have been TOUGH! Sunday night Tenlee did not want to go to sleep.  I think she finally called it quits at 3 am.  She just wanted me to keep holding her or keep rocking her.  Which I love to rock and love up on her, but when it's 1:00 in the morning and Momma is still rocking, it's time to GO TO SLEEP! Tenlee isn't much of a napper.  She likes to "cat nap."  She will take about a 15 minute nap here and there and she's good to go.  I feel sorry for the day care.  At least she's a good baby and never cries.  Because she never sleeps long! Then Monday night I just knew she would be tired. Nope, she ended up crashing finally at 1:30.  I wrapped her up pretty tight in her blanket and she feel asleep. And with me still getting up for these safety meetings, I have looked like death this week.  But last night, thank goodness, baby girl decided she wanted to sleep through the night and let Momma and Daddy get a full nights rest.  I told Leven this morning that if she woke up last night, neither of us heard her because we were sleeping likes bears! I don't think she moved all night! I love the daycare...they post pictures of the girls all the time on Facebook....
This is Baylee---Taydem just looks at this picture all the time and cracks up!
 Tenlee smooth out!
 They just took this picture of Tenlee today...ZzzZzzzz
 I took this picture of her a few nights ago....sweet cheeks
  Leven's girls are now 6-0....they have one more round of district to go before playoffs begin!
This is Trever last week with two of his best friends Abby and Bradley at the Texas Tech football game.  Trever does not take pictures at all!! So I never have any to share with you.  Thanks to Abby for taking this one.  Trever is still doing very well with all his grades. 

Monday, October 13, 2014

All Snazzed OUT

We had the best night on Saturday! I got my spray tan Friday night and was feeling all nice and dark, got my hair did (fishbone braid!) and I loved my blue dress! Leven looked nice and handsome in his suit.  The tie didn't stay on very long, but that's ok.  He didn't need it.  The night just never lasts long.  Everyone calls it "adult prom" for us, but it really is just more like a wedding to me.  Same type of atmosphere. We had just a really good time with family and friends.  I always say "family" because I'm lucky to have my brothers and sisters as my friends.  And my cousin Whitney also came this year! I took plenty of pictures to share! The band was awesome awesome! Of course all of our feet were killing us Sunday morning.  There will be some happy seniors this spring.  No telling how much money was raised. I think they said 360 total people were there.  Do that times $90 a person....let me help you.....$32,400 just on ticket sales! I know the Blake Shelton signed guitar sold for $10,000! The Polaris ATV went for almost $18,000! Those were the big tickets items.  I was walking around (taking pictures) during the other auction items so I wasn't paying attention.  I just told Leven not to raise his hand.  He gets a little "happy" when it comes to stuff like that! Our little community is a lot of fun and we are PROUD!
 Last year each senior got a $2500 scholarship.     
 This is Julia's mom, Christie! We had a really great time with them.  New friends....can't wait to get to know them even better.

 Cousin Whitney---Beautiful
 Blue was the hit color this year!


Friday, October 10, 2014

Another Birthday

WELP...I had a birthday yesterday. I turned 34.  For the first time EVER I felt OLDER.  But it was only yesterday.  I started the day off EARLY! I had to wake up at 4:30 am so I could make it to a safety meeting that I had to give a short presentation for.  So as expected, the night before I think I saw every hour on the clock.  I really think I only got one hours sleep. I hate getting in front of people and speaking.  Give me a mic and I can sing all day, but a topic that I don't really know much about and a room full of men, it's a little scary for me. So all night I was running through my notes in my head and I just couldn't go to sleep.  So I got there 30 minutes early and everything went fine.  This is just the first of like 12 of these safety meetings I have to go to.  Half of them are early in the morning and next months are in the evening and they are all around East Texas.  So this is how my birthday started....along with my time of the month.....back hurting....stomach cramping.....moody! So, this is why I felt OLDER on this years birthday.  When I got home last night Leven asked me where I wanted to go eat....I said NO WHERE! Of course Tay was upset.  But all I wanted to do was sit down and put my feet up.  This morning I felt like a whole new woman! Thank goodness for a better nights sleep.  I'm ready for the weekend!
Tomorrow is the Night Flight Extravanaza (Tatum's Adult Prom as one kid put it).  But it's a huge fundraiser to raise money for all our high school seniors.  Each senior in that class will receive a $1000 scholarship or more (depending on how much we raise on Saturday) to go towards college!! We dance, have a live and silent auction, get all dressed up!  We always have a great time.  Tonight I'm getting a spray tan, last week I found a dress, Molly is letting me borrow her shoes, Leven is wearing a suit, I'm getting my hair did! I will take lots of pictures for ya! You know Leven is all excited (ha!).  He actually went and got a haircut this morning :)
Have a wonderful weekend!

Tuesday, October 7, 2014

Breezy Sunday

Sunday we celebrated my nephew's 11th birthday (today is his actual birthday) out at my Aunt and Uncle's new piece of land that they just recently purchased! It's so beautiful out there.  He had a fishing party.  And it was the most perfect day.  I could only stay out there for a little while because I took Tenlee downtown to have her 6 month pictures made along with Baylee.  They did really well.  Can't wait to see how they turned out!
This is my precious Meme and her two great granddaugthers.  Meme had the best day on Sunday getting out of the house.  Next month she turns 91!

 Tenlee has finally decided it's time to sit up.  She took her sweet time for sure.
 Saturday we spent a few hours at Isabella's benefit golf tournament down in Carthage.  So many people came out for her that day.  Leven played golf and a few of his players came out to support! Keep fighting the fight Izzy! Leven's team is 3-0 in district and starts round 2 tonight against Tatum. 

Thursday, October 2, 2014

Tenlee and Baylee are leading their little class for a ride.  Tenlee looks like she is trying to hold Baylee's hand..too sweet.
Right now Leven's team is doing so good.  They are 3-0 in district. Since district started it's like they have become this new team.  And we are loving it.  They are just winning, they are KILLING them! I just pray that they keep this energy up and carry it over into the play offs. 
Leven took me shopping last Saturday over in Sheveport for my birthday.  We knew we were going to be busy this Saturday for Izzy's benefit golf tournament and then next Saturday we have the Night Flight Extravaganza.  We took the girls with us and spent a few hours at the mall and at the Boardwalk.  It was a good day to get out of the house.  He had wanted to spend the night in Shreveport with just he and I and he even had a babysitter planned and everything.  (Trying to surprise me!), but our babysitter's (my sweet cousin Peyton) son got sick and she couldn't watch the girls.  She even let me know that he was trying to surprise me. So instead he said let's just spend that money on the hotel and buy you some new things.  SCORE! Good day for me!
Taydem has her first slumber party this Saturday night.  OH LAWD! I had to go buy a sleeping bag.  She is so excited.  She has spent the night with her BFF Julia several times, but it's a little different when there's several girls involved.  So we've already had a talk about being nice to everyone, sharing, don't burp and poot in front of her parents (good gosh), manors, don't be picky with the food they feed you, no fighting, don't go creeping in their pantry when everyone else is asleep, etc! I'm sure she will have all kinds of stories to tell me Sunday morning.