Wednesday, July 30, 2014


Last Friday I took off half a day of work to spend it with Taydem and my sister and her daughter at Splash Kingdom in Canton.  So glad I did! It was a HOT day and a GOOD day. Taydem and Brittyn had so much fun.  This water park is the perfect size.  It's not HUGE like Hurrican Harbor in Arlington where you freak out in a crowd of people or feel like you are swimming in pee all day (gross right? but I know you have felt the same way).  But it's plenty big where the kiddos have tons of different options and it's like 45 mins down the interstate {score}.  Taydem even got brave at the end of the day and took a tube and climbed the BIG stairs and went down the BIG slide all by herself.  I waited for her down below and was nervous as heck.  But I didn't want her to know that I was.
I kept waiting and waiting and finally....
 she shot out of the slide with a huge smile on her face!
 Come on Devin...she's almost seven!
I mean look at that hand on her hip!

 Saturday we headed to a "little" church volleyball tournament.  It wasn't "little" by no means.  It was in the country first of all.  And they get surious with their volleyball.  Some of Leven's varisty girls asked him to play.  Let's just say, they ended up getting 3rd! Leven couldn't walk that night.  And he was killing that ball ALL DAY LONG! He played awesome.  He needs to do this more often.  He thinks he's old.  The man is just OUT.OF.SHAPE! But he is just too dang lazy to want to do anything. It drives me crazy.  Here I am busting my butt every day trying to get back in shape and lose this baby weight and he won't do it with me.  Come next Monday (2 a days starts) he will be walking around like a wittle ole man because those girls will be running circles around him. And I don't want to hear one peep out of his mouth about how bad he's hurting!  
 My two handsome nephews got to play together this past Saturday and they brought home the trophy...I mean ring. I hate that they don't win trophies anymore! So one day when they get in high school and they finally do get that special RING...who cares....they have like 50 laying around their room! grrrrrr  
  Come on people!  You are ruining little boys hearts across America!
[Even though Ashby does look cute holding up his hand in this picture lookin' all cool!]
 And these three are like three peas in a pod! They love them some TV!

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