Tuesday, July 22, 2014

Garden of love

When I see a watermelon it reminds me of my Papaw.  It will ALWAYS remind me of my Papaw.  He loved watermelon and loved when us kids ate his watermelons that he grew in his garden.  Dad took over Papaw's garden when he passed away a couple of years ago and the watermelons never stopped growing.  I seriously could eat a whole watermelon by myself.  So the picture below looks as if I did this.  But I actually cut some chunks out and placed in a bowl. 
 But then sat there and ate A LOT right there in the sink!
 With my salt near by....
 Look at how big Tenlee is getting. Taydem can hardly hold her anymore. This was taken this past Sunday before we headed off to church.  The summer is almost over.  I am planning on taking half a day off on Friday and going with my sister to the water park.  Since using up all my vacation days for maternity leave, we didn't get to go on a summer vacation.  So I want to try and do SOMETHING for Taydem.  Hopefully the bosses understand and not give me the cold shoulder.  Taydem will enjoy it. We actually have two small water parks both within an hour from us. 
Nice and close.  
 I keep going back and forth on what I want my dang kitchen cabinets to look like.  Light or dark.  So I finally decided I better asked Leven and get his opinion.  Well he said light! So now we are back to light. And I actually really like this backsplash. 
 This whole picture I'm loving!!  
The island and built in hutch will both be the same color.  A different color than the rest of the cabinets and I'm leaning towards this color, but will have a little more "blue" to it and lighter.  Put the two pictures below together and that's the color I want.  Yea right.  But you get the idea.  The built in hutch will actually look similar, but not this big.  Smaller version.
 I also like the brick backsplash.  

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