Tuesday, July 24, 2012

Up Up and AWAY!

The Great Texas Balloon Races have been coming to Longview since 1978.  They have only been cancelled once (2007) because of bad weather (rain)! Because believe me, every year the races get hotter and hotter. My parents house is right behind the Longview Regional Airport and this is where the festivities are held every summer.  My high school days were so much fun! We always had a huge group of friends that went and ran around together, lots of food, games, and of course the concerts. I can remember having some pretty good artists come and sing back in the day.  Then, the races brought in some no name bands and it kind of hit a low mark in my book. 

This year Ronnie Milsap is coming! I love old school music and he's one of my favorites. I was so excited when I learned he was coming to sing.  The other band is JB and the Moonshine band! Love them as well. BUT...and let me emphasize on the word BUT....Trever's last summer league baseball tournament is held this weekend as well in Stillwater, Oklahoma! So now I'm pretty bummed! And this year is the NATIONAL BALLOON RACES! What a bummer, right? More balloons, more food, more people! It's a good thing for Longview, but sucks for us.

This morning as I was taking Taydem to school, balloons filled the sky.  She was yelling, "There's another one, and another one!" It is a pretty neat thing to see. Another reason to love East Texas!

But I will put my big girl panties on and be a mom for this weekend. It IS his last summer baseball game, EVER! And I'm sure we will make memories up in Oklahoma just as we would here in Longview.

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