Friday, October 2, 2009

Boas, Tutus and Heels, OH MY!

Taydem loves playing dress up. My cousin Chelsea bought Taydem a hot pink boa for her birthday. At first she wasn't too crazy about the boa, but now she's starting to warm up to it. Last night I got her to put it on so I could take some pictures. I got one shot with it around her neck. She's so wild at night time. I don't know what it is. Lately she's been hitting the bed at 10:00!! She loves to run through the house screaming, loves jumping on the couches and beds, climbing on the chairs, climbing on the window seals (behind the blinds), and loves HIDING! Her new thing is hiding in our closet behind all the pants. She keeps us moving at all times.
Trever gets his first report card today. We have been telling him over and over how important it is to stay in the top 10% in his class. He wants to attend The University of Texas so bad!! So we will see how he did this first round. Tonight is homecoming at Pine Tree. Trever has to sing with the choir at the pep-rally and at the game tonight and then he has to work in the concession stand. He keeps us moving as well.

Tomorrow we are hitting up Canton. I have lived here in East Texas my whole life, practically! And I have never ever been to Canton. I'm pretty excited about it. I've heard to wear tennis shoes and get ready for the crowds! Danin, Mom, and Brandi are going with Taydem and I. And we are heading out early early! I really want to get my Christmas shopping started early this year. I hate waiting until the last minute and not really getting to enjoy my shopping. I hope to find some cute things for my nephews and my new little niece!

1 comment:

CMAK2 said...

a boat looks good on her! hopefully i won't have inspired any sort of real life stripper tendencies once she gets older :)