Tuesday, August 18, 2009


Leven had his first home game last night in the new gym! Pine Tree built a really nice gym but it wasn't ready last year during volleyball season. It's so nice! They played Jacksonville and whooped up on 'em! They were horrible. Tonight they play Carthage. Should be a better ball game.

I have so much going on this week. Tomorrow night I have choir practice, Thursday night I have a catering to help with, Saturday I have my first Southern Living party, and Sunday is Taydem's 2nd birthday party! We are having family and friends at KidsView (a park here in Longview). Should be a good time!

Last night I heard Taydem crying so as I was getting up to go see what was wrong with her I heard a really loud noise! It scared me to death. Her door was cracked open and she didn't know it and ran right into it. Poor baby! It slammed shut and then she started crying even louder! She's been doing really well in her big girl bed!! But every now and then she wonders out of it and into our room! Then I have to take her back to her bed. It's lovely! haha

1 comment:

CMAK2 said...

oh my gosh i can't believe taydem is 2! where has all the time gone??