Monday, August 3, 2009

Moving on up...

We have started our big move and it feels so good. We have gotten all of our bedroom furniture in (minus the mattresses) and put together. We are hoping to get the mattresses in this afternoon and maybe we could sleep there tonight. The painters are finishing up today and a little more odds and ins should be getting complete. We are trying to move around all that. Leven started 2-a-days this morning so he won't be finished everyday until after 6. (I can't believe we have been hear a year now! What a great year we had!) I will do what I can after work until he can come over to help me out.

This past weekend we went to another amazing wedding! I love weddings and almost every one of them I get all emotional. Trevor Strong and Miki McGaughey (Neal McCoy's daughter) were married on Saturday at the Union Station in Dallas. It was beautiful! Taydem was the life of the party on the dancefloor....the whole night! I couldn't get her off! Everyone was taking pictures with her and wanting to hold her and dance. But she wanted to be on the ground shaking her boodie! She was a DOLL!

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