Thursday, August 28, 2014

Happy 7 Years

Our fabulous & fun Taydem turned 7 last Friday!
We celebrated with mexican food (her choice of course) and her BFF spent the night.  After we ate, we headed over to my brother's house and celebrated the FIRST SWIM in their new swimming pool! It's beautiful! The kids were so excited.  We all were! Dustin and Molly didn't get to use it much this summer, but just think of all the fun times in the future. Mom and Dad just got back from their vacation from New Mexico so we all got to see them as well.  So Taydem had a great birthday celebration.  Sunday, Taydem received her 1st grade bible and got her ears pierced! I got my ears pierced when I was 7 as well.  I wanted it to be her decision when she wanted to get them done.  And she decided it was time.  She sat in the chair and said "ouch." She's doing so good taking care of them too.  I knew she would. 

Let's see what else........
Oh yea, SCHOOL STARTED ON MONDAY! Taydem loves her new teacher, Ms. Fyffe.  She won't be Ms. Fyffe for long.  She is getting married over the Thanksgiving holiday.  Taydem thinks she is so pretty :) I'm excited for her new year as a first grader. I love all the back to school pictures on facebook and instagram! Too cute!

Leven's team is doing really well right now.  They are improving each game and that's what he is wanting! Today they are playing in the Groesbeck tournament and will finish it up on Saturday.  So the girls and I are going to drive to Mexia tomorrow to stay with Grans and visit with her and then see Papa and Nonna as well. Taydem is so excited & Tenlee is too!

My DIET DIVAS are finally having our girls weekend NEXT WEEKEND! This has been a long time coming.  We all said at the beginning of our weight loss challenge that we would have a weekend for ourselves if we lost a certain amount.  Well I forgot what that amount was as a group and I think by now we all really don't care, we just want a girls weekend AWAY! Since starting the DIET DIVAS, I'm down 20 pounds! Whoo-hoo! And I'm 3 pounds shy of what I weighed when I got preggers with Tenlee.  So I'm almost there folks.  Of course (as a dang woman) I want to lose about 8-10 more pounds as my final goal weight.  I'm just ready for a little get-a-way!
Please continue to pray for sweet Isabella.  She was careflighted to Dallas early this morning because her temperture got to high.  She's stable right now in ICU.  They knew to expect something like this, but not necessarily this soon. 

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