Monday, August 11, 2014


Here's a little update on our precious Tenlee Rose:
She rolled over on August 2.  Which means she had just turned 4 months on July 31.  She rolls from her tummy to her back.  Baby girl doesn't like being on her stomach so she rolls to her back as quickly as possible. She smiles. A LOT! Especially at her Momma and her sister.  Probably because we are both cra cra! Especially her sister! Taydem loves to try and make her laugh. 
So..she laughs. A LOT! Her little giggles are the best. Sometimes Taydem gets so in her face trying to make her laugh that it scares Tenlee then she starts crying.  Well then Taydem gets her feelings hurt and then she starts crying because she thinks she did something really terrible to Tenlee.  Geez! Girls....(this just happened yesterday).
Well then I think it's funny and I laugh!
Tenlee has moved up to drinking more formula at her feedings. [6 oz] I should have already started feeding her cereal, but she hasn't gone to her 4 month doctor visit yet (she finally goes on Wednesday).  So I just kept putting off the whole cereal thing. I bought her some today on my lunch break.  My sister has been wearing me out about it.  Baylee has been eating ceral for like 3 weeks now and eating some baby foods.  But I'm just taking my sweet little time with Tenlee.  I'm thinking tonight I will try it out with her. I also just bought size 2 diapers.  It's just hard to believe how fast time goes.  This child was just in my belly! She is into grabbing.  She's like a cat.  Anything that is in front of her she's going to try and reach out and grab.  And then it usually heads towards her mouth.
The question on everyone's mind:
who does she look like?
 The picture below was on Saturday at the volleyball scrimmage. We have another little gym rat on our hands.  Thank goodness the Lord blessed us with easy going kids.  She fell asleep with 2 whistles going and 4 teams of screaming girls in a loud gym.  What baby does this? A Barker baby! I tried to muffle her ears as much as possible. 
Those whistles had her going crazy at one time. 
And I'm trying to love up on her as much as possible at this age.  I love rocking her and YES I take plenty of pictures because it will help me remember our cuddle times.
 We finally got to see Trever Rance ! Gosh it's been forever.  Well it's been ALL summer for sure.   His summer class is finally over and I know he's super relieved about that.  Calculas II is forever behind him! He headed back yesterday to Palestine for one more week of work there and to say his goodbye's to his mom and sister and brother and then he will come stay a few more days with us next week. 
 Then he will make the long drive to Lubbock. 
Look how grown up and handsome he is!  

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