Thursday, August 7, 2014

Painting with a Twist

Monday night we headed to Painting with a Twist. Mom and Danin had never been so I was happy for them to get to go! And of course they loved it and can't wait to go back.  They both kept saying, "next time I go I will do this different!" We had a fall theme and all of our pumpkins had our little flavor to it.  We had a good time getting to visit with old friends.  It's so hard to get to do things like this when you have kiddos.  And with 2 a days starting that day, I had already arranged for my cousin Whitney to watch Tenlee and Taydem was staying the night with her friend Julia.  So Leven had the night off.  I knew the last thing he would want to be doing the 1st day of 2 a days was babysitting.  I knew he would've been worn out....and he was! Tuesday and Wednesday nights he went over to my brother's house and took a dip in their hot tub!

The  "Diet Divas" are still at it.  Well a few of us are still at it.  Danin and I are still at it for sure.  I weighed this morning and I'm down another 3 pounds! Whoo hoo.  Finally. I was stuck on the same weight for a month (no lie). I'm not complaining because I wasn't gaining, but I wasn't losing either.  Just alittle frustrating when you are busting your butt working out and trying to diet and not seeing that scale move any. So it was nice to see the dang thing move this morning.  Now I wasn't happy when Leven brought in a whole chocolate pie last night.  One of his player's mom's made it.  She works at a bakery.  I only had a bite.  Very proud of myself!
And yes, it was delish!

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