Friday, August 15, 2014

It's been one of those weeks..........

Yes, it's been one of those weeks.  It's Friday.  Thank goodness for that.  But the beginning of the week wasn't so pleasant.  Tuesday afternoon late, a friend of mine that I grew up going to church with was killed in a tragic pipeline accident. He was a year younger than me and was married to the love of his life with 4 YOUNG beautiful children all under the age of 7. They still attended Mobberly Baptist Church (same as us) and we still saw each other pretty much every Sunday we were there, mainly walking around the nursery area. I found out the news on my way home from Leven's vollyeball game late Tuesday night.  Once I got home, I sat in my car and just cried and cried.  Connor Wilson was special.  He was good looking.  He was humble.  He always had a smile on his face.  He loved the Lord.  He was an amazing man.  And even though we lost touch with each other over the years, I knew he was the same person as we were in high school, but even better.  And now his sweet beautiful wife is alone with 4 children to raise.  And these kids.  My gosh, I am getting upset right now typing.  I know it was an accident.  But why? It just scares me to death.  It could be any of us.  I know that I will see Connor again one day.....
Tenlee had her 4 month check up on Wednesday.  She had 3 more shots and she took them like a champ! Not one tear was shed! She kind of moaned a little bit! She's tough just like Trever and Taydem.  Our kids our rock stars.  She weighed just a little over 14 pounds and was 25 inches long.  She is eating ceral (loves it) and they are feeding her rice and daycare.  I'm going to start her on veggies next week and fruits the following week.  Chubs here we come.....

Taydem's Aunt Terri is amazing! If you didn't see that word, let me spell it out a little better for you....A-M-A-Z-I-N-G!! She is taking Taydem to Disney World over Thanksgiving break this year.  If you didn't see that place, let me spell it out a little better for you.......DISNEY WORLD!!
 She's also taking her mom, Taydem's GRAN's, with them! I am so excited for Taydem.  This is so special for her getting to go with these two woman and get to spend 5 days with them at this magical place! I hate that Leven and I aren't getting to go with her, but to be honest, we may not ever be able to afford to take her! I am so thankful that Terri is doing this.  It brings a smile to my face everytime I think about it.  I can see Taydem right now.  I'm gonna have to send a camera with her! So the pictures below is Aunt Terri with the girls! And we love her so much!  

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