Tuesday, December 31, 2013

Out with the old....in with the NEW!

Happy New Year's Eve!
I am so ready to get off work and go home and take a nap.  The past few nights I haven't slept well at all.  I remember being pregnant with Taydem it was the same way.  The bigger I got, the harder it was to sleep.  Not only getting bigger, but I can't stand going to the restroom this many times a day.  And having to wake up from a good night's sleep to go empty my bladder wears me out! Well I start my 3rd trimester next neek so the count down is on.  And it also means more restless nights ahead of me.  I don't even want to weigh myself.  And I am already looking up different work outs on Pinterest so I can be ready come May.  These next few months are going to fly by.  And with coaching club volleyball, my weekends are already filling up.  I feel like a roly-poly!
On a good note, some of our friends brought us some diapers that are now to small for their baby girl! Heck yes, we want them!
We are so thankful for anything we can get........
I took an updated picture last night of my gut, I mean my beautiful growing pregnant belly :) OMG! It's getting out there for sure.  And so is my face! And my legs! And my arms! And my boobs....well they've been out there for a few months now! The joys of making a baby inside of you.  I'm almost 27 weeks. 13 more.....I can do this!

So remember last week when I posted about different things Leven has been saying about my ever growing gut? Well I have some new ones. And yes, I laughed at them all:

- "That cookie cake won't last until morning!"
- After eating at Sam's in Fairfield, I say, "Man, I'm full!" And Leven responds with, "well you should be, nobody else in there got any bread pudding!"
- I get out of the bathtub one night and he says, "Dang, where'd all the water go?"
-"I'm not taking you out in public until you lose that weight.  I'll probably end up getting you a personal trainer!!!"

Oh Leven..............what would I do without your annoying sarcasm? I would def miss it!
So cheers to the last day of 2013!
Each year brings new highs and lows. 
Leven took a new job (yeah!), we put our house up for sale (any day now!), Trever graduated high school then started college and we bought him a new truck, Taydem moved school districts and grew like a foot taller, WE MADE ANOTHER HUMAN, we bought a fancy red camaro (that neither Leven or myself can get in and out of very easily), and we each celebrated another year on this earth! We also said goodbye to some loved ones.  We miss Mike each day and Taydem talks about him all the time. 
The Circle of Life.....
Tonight we are headed to Tatum to sit around a bonfire and laugh and make new memories with our friends.  And I'm just blessed to have my brothers and sisters as my family AND my friends!
 May 2014 be a year to remember

Monday, December 30, 2013

"I put a spell on you"

We headed to Mexia Friday afternoon and arrived at Grans' house about 6 ish.  Taydem was so excited to get MORE presents and for Grans to open hers.  We love our Grans' imagination and I'm sure that's where Taydem gets hers.  Taydem loves it! So Grans got Taydem all kinds of witch like stuff this year.  She gave her costumes, a magic broom and black rose, two different hats, a mask, a pot to cast all her spells, 2 black spiders, and then a princess DVD and bucket! Tay has always been fascinated with all the witches in all the Disney movies so Grans thought she would love this present....and she did! They played and played and danced and danced!
 And of course Leven, Trever and myself couldn't help but laugh!

Check out this stud muffin.  I still crack up when I see pictures of Leven.  He looks so different to me now that he's older and has filled out a little more ;)

Tenlee got her first present!
Saturday morning we got up and headed to see Louie and Gwen and open presents with them.  I was so excited that Gwen got Tenlee a present too! So sweet and thoughtful.  And I just love it.  I also got a huge blanket that is the softest thing ever and some comfy pj's! Taydem hasn't stopped playing with her two presents from her Pawpaw and Nonna.  She loves to draw and be creative and they gave her more coloring toys!
 We had another great Christmas and I look forward to 2014! We have a huge year coming up and I'm excited to see how it will all play out.  Tenlee's birth, selling of our house, building another house, Trever (hopefully) headed to Texas Tech in the fall, and who knows what else.  By the way, Trever's GPA for his first semester in college was a 3.65!
 Awesome awesome!
Happy birthday to my oldest brother, Dustin!!

Friday, December 27, 2013


One of Taydem's Christmas present was SAND ART.  She loved it.  We were only going to make a couple but once she got going she didn't want to stop, and neither did I. I kept thinking to myself that one mess is all we need. So she did all 6! And Buddy sat there and watched Taydem the entire time.  This cat is getting fat and he drives me crazy.  I did recently buy a pretty cool litter box for him.  Less mess for sure! But Leven loves this cat!

This morning I had a 6:00 am safety meeting.  Getting up that early is so hard for me, especially being pregnant.  So the rest of the day I will be worth nothing! Speaking of being pregnant, I am now 26 weeks along.  Tenlee is getting more and more active and she's growing more and more.  Each night when I finally lay my head down on my pillow is when she goes to work! She kicks and kicks and kicks. I'm trying to decide if I want to do maternity pictures or not.  I didn't take any with Taydem and I also didn't take newborn pics of Taydem.  So I'm considering doing both this time.  And having Taydem in some of the pics with me and her new sister.
We are off to Mexia this afternoon!

Thursday, December 26, 2013

The Day After

Well Christmas Day was a quick one! Leven woke up at like 6:00 am ready to go wake Taydem up! He gets so excited and just can't wait. So we waited until 6:45 and then he went and got her up.  She was so excited.  She ran and woke Trever up first.  She's the sweetest.  She wanted us to open the presents she had bought us at school before she even opened hers. She could not wait for us to see what she had given us.  She bought me a ring, bracelet, gold earrings and some lip gloss! She bought Leven this star candle to put on his desk and a keychain.  But Trever's was the best! She told me she had bought him a new lamp to put in his room at college.  But I didn't know the lamp was a chicken with a candle! It was the cutest thing and we all couldn't help but crack up about it.  She was so proud of it.  See pic below!
After watching the kiddos open their gifts, we all went back to sleep (except Taydem).  I helped her open all her boxes first and then she played and played.  I think that was the hardest 2 hour nap that I have taken in a long while. 
After our nap we headed to Carthage to eat lunch with the family.  Then drove back to Longview with our belly's full.  Taydem spent the night with Mom and Dad so Leven and I took full advantage and headed to the movies.  It's been awhile.  We watched "Grudge Match." It was the funniest movied we had both seen in a long time.  You know, [the laugh out loud] kind of movie.  I highly recommend it!
So now, I'm back at work.  We will head to Mexia tomorrow evening to do Christmas with Leven's parents! And pick up his deer meat in Waco.   

Santa Baby

While we are here in Texas, Dustin and Molly's family are skiing in Colorado!!

Chrissy and Darin's kids got some awesome Duck Dynasty attire from her Nannie!

Tuesday, December 24, 2013

Christmas Eve

December 24, 2013:

I'm sitting up at work thinking about everything that I need to get done before heading to my Meme's and my parents house tonight for Christmas.  Hopefully I will get off sometime around lunch so I can get my mind right and get things taken care of! I have said this quiet a few times on my blog....my cravings are so bad this pregnancy wanting SWEETS all the time! So I ordered myself (well the family) a cookie cake yesterday! That's all I could think about when Mom asked me to bring a dessert.  It's actually Jesus' birthday cake! I told them to put "Happy Birthday Jesus" on it. So that's one thing I have to pick up today. 
Leven and I have been married for 7 1/2 years and so I've had my wedding ring for at least 8 years.  It's white gold and over the years it has started to lose it's "white" gold look and started to turn more of a yellow gold.  We took it to a jeweler last week and Leven picked it up yesterday for me.  It looks brand new.  Just like the first time he gave it to me! Why did it take me so long to get it polished?? I honestly can't stop staring at it!

So I wanted to share with you my new mouse pad! Small things make me HAPPY! I made one for all the women in my office for Christmas! Thanks to Shutterfly.com
My super special girlie girl!
She begged me to let her paint her toes by herself. So I let her...and she did a fab job!
And while Taydem was painting her toes, we were having game night! This is Leven and Trever's favorite game.  I NEVER win, but I still play! By the end of the game, Trever is usually so mad at Leven for cheating or talking other's into deals! I usually try and lose on purpose just to escape all the yelling and fierce competiveness between those two.
This is Trever's best bud, Bradley.  Keep Bradley and his sweet family in your prayers.  We said goodbye to his Daddy last week.  Losing a loved one is extremely hard, but at the holidays is even harder.
I honestly can't believe I'm showing you this last little picture.  All of you who know Leven, know that he is very sarcastic, funny, whitty, etc.  This is why I love him.  I'm sure any other woman would have already gotten rid of him by now.  But he makes me laugh.  So now that I'm preggo and getting bigger every day, he says things (usually inappropriate and offensive, like I said any other woman probably would've divorced him by now!) and it literally cracks me up.  I know he is playing and he knows that I will laugh once he makes the comment.  So I told him from now on, everytime he makes some type of comment about my weight, I'm going to write it down and save it! So last night we were getting ready to play Monopoly and I sat down next to him on the couch and he says this (see below!) Of course I laugh! And Bradley didn't know whether to laugh or feel sorry for me! So in the next few months I may be posting some more of Leven's "fat" jokes!


Monday, December 23, 2013

Give a Little Cheer!

Are you done with all your Christmas shopping? I have just a couple more to buy for and I hope to accomplish this after work today.  TJ Maxx is always the perfect store to hit up when you need just a little something for someone.
I have been super busy at work these past few weeks.  Time flies by each and every day and I realized last night, while trying to go to sleep, that this baby girl will be here in no time! OMG....And I have done NOTHING to prepare myself or my family for her arrival.  I keep telling myself, after Christmas! I am going to get Taydem's baby bed down from the attic and paint it black to match Trever's bedroom furniture.  It's that antique finish.  The furniture he has always used was my grandmother's that I had painted like 8 years ago.  So we will take the bed, one of the dressers and two nightstands out of the "baby" room and take down to the apartment where we will be living in once our house sells.  I will put the newly painted baby bed in the room along with the longer dresser and use it as a changing table.  Seriously though, how often do you even use the changing table? Not very often!! I also still have the same glider that I used to rock Taydem that I will paint as well.  Hopefully I will get some help with all this painting! And that will just about do it.  I'm not going all out for this baby at this house because I'm not sure how long we will be in it.  I want to keep it simple.  When our new home is built then I will get down to business with all the cuteness! I'm so happy that my SIL is letting me use my nieces baby bedding! It has Tyler's name monogrammed on part of the bumper, but my cousin thinks she will be able to remove it!
 Keep praying for us and hopes to get our house sold after the new year!
Brittyn is growing up so fast! Her and Tyler are both starting to talk a whole lot! 
This pregnancy is killing me with all the sweets laying around.  I wasn't pregnant with Taydem over Halloween, Thanksgiving or Christmas holidays.  I can NOT say no to any kind of sweet that is put in my face.  I ate this cookie (almost all of it) and I was sick to my stomach all night.  I didn't even eat supper that night.  But the dang thing was awesome!
I finally got to go to something at Taydem's school! Work keeps me busy and away from all that fun stuff.  So I made it to her Christmas party.  I loved seeing her with all her friends and it was great to finally put a face with a name. 

This past Saturday night I met up with some friends at a fab steak house in Kilgore for a little Christmas party.  My SIL and myself had on the exact same outfit.  Is this crazy or what? Same shirt, same tank under the shirt, same leggings, black sweater/jacket and black boots! We laughed and laughed and it was a must have pic moment!
Heres a pic of all the girls. We brought an "accessories" gift and played a little exchange game!
Tomorrow is Christmas Eve! Time for family and time for being thankful for our Jesus, Lord and Savior!

Friday, December 13, 2013

Christmas time is HERE

Somehow I've managed to squeeze in some Christmas time this season even if I'm not actually shopping in stores.  Plus with our house on the market I didn't get all my Christmas decorations out.  It hasn't really been the same.  We took Tay and Brittyn to see Santa Claus last Saturday.  And we got the perfect picture! Brittyn wasn't having it at all with Santa.

Taydem is such a sweet girl.  I know I say it all the time but her manners and thoughtfulness is just the sweetest.  And she loves to rub my belly! She is so excited to finally meet her little sister.

These girls love their Uncle Leven.
I had to post this picture of Brittyn from yesterday at her daycare.  She didn't cry this time and this picture is the sweetest with her looking up at him.
Yesterday Taydem and all the other Kindergarten's took a trip to Palestine to ride the Poler Express.  She had a ball.  They each got their train ticket and Santa gave them a bell once it was over.  And I love how all the teachers snap pictures on their cell phones and text them to us or post them on Facebook.  Thank goodness for technology.  Super sweet cousin picture!
This is her class! All in their PJ's! Adorable
She's always smiling!

Austyn is a flippin DOLL!
Check out this Christmas gift I got yesterday.  It is amazing.  I set in bed last night rubbing my head for like 5 minutes.  Great stocking stuffer!

I have to brag on Trever for just minute.  His first semester in college was a huge success.  I think he ended up with a 3.75.  I will know for sure probably next week.  He's such a smart guy and I can't wait to see what's in store for his future!

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Busy as a BEE

Wow! Can we say....BUSY? That has been me these fast two weeks.  Which means all my Christmas shopping has been bought online so far.
Last week my trip to Lubbock was fast and furious.  We knocked out a ton of work in 4 days to be sure to make a flight back home.  The weather was super cold and we had to change our flight from Friday evening to Thursday morning.  We made it just in time.  I did NOT want to be stuck in Lubbock over the weekend.  We actually finished the project yesterday afternoon and it seriously felt sooo good.  I couldn't be more happy then to see those 44 reports being boxed and FedExed!
While in Lubbock, Leven got me some new tennis shoes! And of course I LOVE them! We had our first club practice this past Wednesday.  It's gonna be a great season.  Can't wait. Even if I have this big ole belly tagging along!
Taydem is just like me.  She loves the dentist! Since her first time going at 3, she just sits there and listens to everything they say to her.  She doesn't scream and act like a wild child! But this past time, she had a really small cavity in one of her back baby teeth. I haven't told her about it yet.  But come January 29th she will know all about it. 
I'm going to continue on the next blog post.......
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