Wednesday, November 6, 2013

Cooler days

I haven't had too many cravings since being pregnant.  My thing, I have trouble figuring out what I want to eat.  It takes me about 30 minutes each day around lunch to figure out what I am craving.  Sometimes I drive around Kilgore until I see a place that jumps out at me.  But yesterday I started thinking about chicken-n-dumpligs.  So I texted Leven to ask him if that sounded good to him.  I have no idea why I even run supper by him.  If I'm the one cooking it, his butt will just have to eat it! So....chicken-n-dumplings it was. I make it with biscuits (quick and easy way) and I swear each time I make it they taste better and better.  So we had some leftover....(since Trever has been out of the house, we actually have leftovers now...hehe) and I brought them for lunch today.  They are always better the next day!  And there's a cold front headed our this is just perfect!

My hair grows fast. Always has.  But when you are preggo hair grows even faster.  Just look at my roots.  I just got my hair done like 4 weeks ago! That's the downfall with having your hair highlighted. 
So we are now almost certain that our baby girl's name will be Tenlee Rose Barker.  We really wanted to use Lee as a middle name.  My sister's middle name is Lea and Leven's brother that died after birth was named Lee.  So we decided to spell Tenlee with LEE at the end.  Perfect! I wanted an "R" for a middle name.  Not really sure why.  I'm guessing because her and Trever will now both have TRB as their initials. But I wanted that middle name to sound perfect with Tenlee and Barker.  So we decided on Rose.  Leven's great great grandmother was named Rose. My sister is naming her baby girl Baylee Monroe! So we will have a Tenlee and a Baylee.  

1 comment:

Peyton said...

Love her name!! Let me know when it's set in stone! I have something I want to make her and Baylee! :)