Friday, August 16, 2013


Is today REALLY Friday? Last time I blogged was last Friday. This week just flew by right before my eyes.  Work has been crazy busy.  Which is awesome, but it's also tiring. Cranking out reports and creating map after map. 

Let me give you an update from this week:

Trever has finally decided on which school he wants to attend this fall and he's going with Panola! Which is great.  He's close to us and he will live in the dorms.  He is going to walk on the baseball team.  They will have 6:00 am workouts every morning and hopefully this will weed out some of his competition.  Trever is such a hard worker and I know he wants to be on this team come spring time.  Keep him in your prayers all fall! Now it's time to shop for dorm room stuff!!

Taydem is almost 6 people.  Her birthday is this coming Thursday.  She lets me know this every day.  She is still very girlie and this makes me laugh.  She's gotten a lot taller lately and the girl loves to eat.  I'm just not sure where it all goes.  I'm praying for at least 5'10".   We have "Meet the Teacher" next Thursday (on her bday) so I know that will be exciting. School is almost here.

Leven had his first volleyball game this past Tuesday.  I thought they looked incredible! He has a senior on his team who is unbelievable. By far the best athlete he has ever coached.  She is so fun to watch.  They won Tuesday night, easily against John Tyler.  Today they are up in Garland playing in a huge tournament.  This is the tournament all the best teams come and play in.  Pine Tree has gone every year, but the new PT coach didn't want to go.  So Leven told her he would trade tournaments with her.  So Carthage went to Garland and PT is now playing in the Longview tournament.  Leven knows that he isn't going to see any really good competition here in East Texas.  Dallas schools are where it's at.  So far they have won their first two pool games.  They play again around 3.  After I get off work, Trever, Tay and I are going to head up there to catch his game tomorrow. 

Nothing much is going on with me these days, except I need to quit eating so much! ha.....I haven't had time to work out in the last few weeks.  And I hate that. I feel so unhealthy and blah when I don't work out.  I honestly can't even tell you when the last time I cooked for my family.  We are all going in 3 different directions every day.  We've had a few people come and look at the house, but no offers yet.  My SIL and her mother came over this past week and "staged" our house.  The things they did opened up our house more and really made it look better.  I loved everything they did.  Starting next week I am going to start packing up boxes.  Give us a head start at least. 

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