Thursday, August 1, 2013

Passing by

These days just keep passing by faster and faster.  Today is Leven's last day with his volleyball camp down in Carthage.  It was very successfull.  Overall he had 57 girls attend.  Taydem tagged along with him today.  He is so tired of driving to Carthage from Longview.  Our house needs to hurry up and sell.

Trever has been working his butt off all summer while living with his Mom.  He has one last baseball tryout on August 10th to try and get picked up on a junior college team.  So pray for him on that day and pray that he shines!!

Yesterday Tay and I headed to Walmart to buy all her school supplies.  She starts school on August 26th in Tatum.  We aren't sure who her teacher is yet, but she's excited.  Another reason our house must hurry up and sell! There's going to be lots of driving to and from.  Gas gas gas!

This weekend we are headedt to Mexia to visit with Leven's parents.  We have also decided to buy Mike's camero.  This was his baby before he passed away.  It's a RED, 2010 Chevy Camero and it's got a V8 engine with an extra chip he had put in for more power.  The car can get up and go. It's very nice and sporty.  So hopefully we will be bringing it home with us this weekend. 

I can't decide on our new house plans.  I thought I had it all figured out, but I keep changing my mind.  Leven wants a "farm house" style front porch. Too many decisions.  I am very thankful for though.  It's giving me tons of ideas!

I can't ask you enough to keep praying that our house sells.  I believe in the power of prayer and I believe God has a plan for us. 

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