Monday, August 26, 2013

New chapters

So we got Trever all moved in. We headed to Walmart and bought the first round of "junk!" We will see just how long this all lasts.  We met a few of the baseball guys and a couple of his roomates.  I think it's going to be a good semester for Trever.  I'm excited for him.  Brings back all kinds of good memories from my dorm years. Can't wait for some baseball!! 

Leven and his girls WON the ETBU/Marshall tournament this past weekend. Great way to end the weekend.  This weekend they will play in the Tyler tournament.  Should be a good one for sure.  There's even a slight chance that he will play against Pine Tree.

This is my niece Austyn at her brother's baseball games on Saturday. Dirty....and I love it!

Taydem's first day at Kindergarten at Tatum Primary.  Walking through this school brings back so many memories from when I was there.  It just seems really small now to me.  She was excited to meet some new friends.  I just hope she doesn't boss the other kids around and/or her teacher!! I know she thinks since she's already done this Kindergarten thing once, it's going to be a piece of cake for her. We will see!

Aidan and Ashby- 2nd and 4th grade! 

Truitt and Tucker- 3rd and Kindergarten.  This picture makes me laugh.  Tucker hurt his foot this past weekend and can't walk! Poor thing was not happy for his 1st day of school picture.  But Truitt was!

Please continue to pray for this sweet family and this sweet baby girl! It breaks my heart everytime I read a post from the Mother's blog.

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