Thursday, August 29, 2013

Smiling down

I'm not sure who all has been following this blog along with me, but Ashley Kate passed away this morning.  It breaks my heart to hear of this news.  But on the bright side, she is no longer suffering, but dancing in HEAVEN! Our God is good.

Monday, August 26, 2013

New chapters

So we got Trever all moved in. We headed to Walmart and bought the first round of "junk!" We will see just how long this all lasts.  We met a few of the baseball guys and a couple of his roomates.  I think it's going to be a good semester for Trever.  I'm excited for him.  Brings back all kinds of good memories from my dorm years. Can't wait for some baseball!! 

Leven and his girls WON the ETBU/Marshall tournament this past weekend. Great way to end the weekend.  This weekend they will play in the Tyler tournament.  Should be a good one for sure.  There's even a slight chance that he will play against Pine Tree.

This is my niece Austyn at her brother's baseball games on Saturday. Dirty....and I love it!

Taydem's first day at Kindergarten at Tatum Primary.  Walking through this school brings back so many memories from when I was there.  It just seems really small now to me.  She was excited to meet some new friends.  I just hope she doesn't boss the other kids around and/or her teacher!! I know she thinks since she's already done this Kindergarten thing once, it's going to be a piece of cake for her. We will see!

Aidan and Ashby- 2nd and 4th grade! 

Truitt and Tucker- 3rd and Kindergarten.  This picture makes me laugh.  Tucker hurt his foot this past weekend and can't walk! Poor thing was not happy for his 1st day of school picture.  But Truitt was!

Please continue to pray for this sweet family and this sweet baby girl! It breaks my heart everytime I read a post from the Mother's blog.

Wednesday, August 21, 2013

Hump Day

Wednesday's are always good. Half way through the work week! So we got the Camaro back from the body shop and it's a real gem! I love it more each time I drive it.  Taydem calls it our "fast car!" Today we took it to get the windows tinted.  I think after that we will be done. 

Trever's new dorm/apartment has two bedrooms, each bedroom has two guys in it and then a small living area.  I haven't seen it, but from what I've heard, a very-small-living area.  So one of the guys have already bought a recliner and they say a couch is too big.  So I found these chairs at Walmart and I thought it would be perfect.  It's not big at all and it's squeesy like a bean bag. AND it was only $30.  With 4 big ole boys, I doubt it will last very long but it's perfect for watching TV or playing video games. Whatever they do! Move in day is this Saturday!

Tomorrow is our sweet Taydem's 6th birthday AND it's Meet the Teacher day for her.  This year her teacher's name is Mrs. Nelson.  Mrs. Nelson went to Tatum with my sister, Danin.  I've heard nothing but wonderful things about her.  I'm ready for her to meet Taydem! The good thing about small towns/small schools is usually the ones who graduate from there will eventually make their way back.  There are a lot of Primary teachers who went to school around the same time as we all did.  It's good to know that our kids are in good hands!

Leven won again last night.  He said it was a sloppy win, but a win is a win! They are playing in the ETBU tournament this weekend in Marshall.

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Tuesday, August 20, 2013

Party time

This past Sunday evening we headed to Mom's and Dad's to celebrate the summer birthdays.  Which include Chrissy, Leven and Taydem.  I decided this year that we wouldn't have a huge party for Taydem.  We just have so much going on.  So I got her a cake and we opened presents at my parents.  She loved every minute of it.  After eating cake and opening up presents, they all headed to the pool to swim.  After that we all gathered under the porch to watch the boys play in a home run derby.  They were using a wiffle ball and plastic bat, but my nephews can sure hit that ball.  After the boys went a few times, us adults all decided we wanted to hack at it.  My brothers, Leven, my sister in laws, my mom and then myself all got it up and took some swings.  I never played softball growing up but I played enough in the back yard that I knew I still had my swing.  And yes I do! I nailed my 5 year old nephew, Tucker, right in the mouth.  He wasn't even close, but he wasn't paying attention and I honestly didn't think I would hit any of them in the face! OMG. I felt horrible.  I even made his lip bleed.  He was not happy with me at all.  He wouldn't even look at me. So with all that being said, the home run derby came to an end! Here are a few pictures from the party:

Friday, August 16, 2013


Is today REALLY Friday? Last time I blogged was last Friday. This week just flew by right before my eyes.  Work has been crazy busy.  Which is awesome, but it's also tiring. Cranking out reports and creating map after map. 

Let me give you an update from this week:

Trever has finally decided on which school he wants to attend this fall and he's going with Panola! Which is great.  He's close to us and he will live in the dorms.  He is going to walk on the baseball team.  They will have 6:00 am workouts every morning and hopefully this will weed out some of his competition.  Trever is such a hard worker and I know he wants to be on this team come spring time.  Keep him in your prayers all fall! Now it's time to shop for dorm room stuff!!

Taydem is almost 6 people.  Her birthday is this coming Thursday.  She lets me know this every day.  She is still very girlie and this makes me laugh.  She's gotten a lot taller lately and the girl loves to eat.  I'm just not sure where it all goes.  I'm praying for at least 5'10".   We have "Meet the Teacher" next Thursday (on her bday) so I know that will be exciting. School is almost here.

Leven had his first volleyball game this past Tuesday.  I thought they looked incredible! He has a senior on his team who is unbelievable. By far the best athlete he has ever coached.  She is so fun to watch.  They won Tuesday night, easily against John Tyler.  Today they are up in Garland playing in a huge tournament.  This is the tournament all the best teams come and play in.  Pine Tree has gone every year, but the new PT coach didn't want to go.  So Leven told her he would trade tournaments with her.  So Carthage went to Garland and PT is now playing in the Longview tournament.  Leven knows that he isn't going to see any really good competition here in East Texas.  Dallas schools are where it's at.  So far they have won their first two pool games.  They play again around 3.  After I get off work, Trever, Tay and I are going to head up there to catch his game tomorrow. 

Nothing much is going on with me these days, except I need to quit eating so much! ha.....I haven't had time to work out in the last few weeks.  And I hate that. I feel so unhealthy and blah when I don't work out.  I honestly can't even tell you when the last time I cooked for my family.  We are all going in 3 different directions every day.  We've had a few people come and look at the house, but no offers yet.  My SIL and her mother came over this past week and "staged" our house.  The things they did opened up our house more and really made it look better.  I loved everything they did.  Starting next week I am going to start packing up boxes.  Give us a head start at least. 

Friday, August 9, 2013


This week has flown by.  I have been so busy at work this week.  I am so glad that it's finally Friday.  Leven is so worn out! ha  Poor thing.  He stayed at my brother's house for 3 days this past week to cut down on drive time to and from Carthage every day.  Lots and lots of driving headed our way, especially him.  He has his first scrimmages this afternoon with his new team.  Then he has three more games tomorrow in Henderson.  After work today I'm going to head down to Carthage to catch some of the later scrimmages and then we are spending the night at my sister's house.  Since Leven has to turn around and be back at the school early tomorrow morning.  Whew...seriously if our house doesn't hurry up and sell, we will be a mess the next few months.
Trever got back home yesterday afternoon.  He is doing defensive driving online ALL day.  Hopefully after doing it, he will slow down! Then tomorrow morning he's headed to Plano for that baseball tryout! Pray for him! He wants to play baseball so bad in college.
Taydem is spending the day with Leven.  I hated to leave this morning.  They will head down to Carthage in a little bit to start his scrimmages.  She's a great tag-a-long.
Have you seen the new Nike Fuel bands? I want one of these so bad.  They are right around $150.  It's a band you wear all day and it continually counts your calories throughout the day.  You can also set yourself goals and it will count up to a certain number by keeping up with the count for days/weeks etc. 

Tons of professional athletes are wearing them now.  Super cool.


Monday, August 5, 2013

Stupid CONE!!

This past weekend we headed to Mexia to visit Leven's parents.  On our way Friday evening we stopped in Palestine and picked up Trever on our way.  He has one more week left of work and then his last baseball tryout is this Saturday. Pray for him.

After getting Trever we headed on to Louie and Gwen's house.  We watched the Ranger's play, ate some ice cream and got a kick out of their dogs wanting Gwen's chicken! Check out the pic below.

Saturday morning we woke up to Gwen's cooking! We love her breakfast.  Taydem actually requested that we stay at their house because of Gwen's breakfast! After we ate, we loaded up and headed to Ann's house.  We wanted to help in her yard or do whatever she needed us to do.  Leven's brother was also there cutting down a few trees so we helped him as well.  When we got there we met Ann's new pets.  Raccoons! Taydem was a little scared at first, but it didn't take long for her to warm up to these little things.  They are pretty cute at this stage, but then they grow up!

After a long HOT day working in the yard, we finally got ready to head back to Longview.  Leven and I decided to buy Mike's camero.  Boy, is it pretty.  Patriot red and fast! Leven drove it to Palestine until it was time to drop Trever off, and then Taydem and I drove the rest of the way home.  Well......

As we were getting into Kilgore, we ran into a little construction.  So everyone was in one lane of traffic.  The truck in front of me ran over a dang cone and what do you know? That stupid cone was coming right at me.  I freaked not knowing if I should avoid the cone and run off into the ditch and possibly rolling the car or hit the stupid thing! So I chose to hit the cone.  I was so upset.  I wasn't sure if I caused any damage until we got home and saw the HUGE dent in the far left front of the finder.  I cried my poor eyes out.  Why me? I just knew I was going to upset Ann.  Leven was already mad at the situtation but I didn't know what else to do.  It happened so quickly and all I could think about was Taydem in the back seat of this tiny car! I was so mad at that truck in front of me.  If only he could've been paying attention! So after calming down and thanking God that Tay and I were actually home safe, we called Ann (Leven did) and let her know what had happened.  I'm glad she understood.  So now on to getting the car in the shop! Ugh. Just got the thing!  If it's not one thing it's another.  That's life. 

Leven started 2 a days this morning.  I talked to him earlier and he said 5 girls threw up and one girl already quit! I know that's not funny, but it kind of is.  I remember those days!

Happy Monday. Have a wonderful week!

Thursday, August 1, 2013

Passing by

These days just keep passing by faster and faster.  Today is Leven's last day with his volleyball camp down in Carthage.  It was very successfull.  Overall he had 57 girls attend.  Taydem tagged along with him today.  He is so tired of driving to Carthage from Longview.  Our house needs to hurry up and sell.

Trever has been working his butt off all summer while living with his Mom.  He has one last baseball tryout on August 10th to try and get picked up on a junior college team.  So pray for him on that day and pray that he shines!!

Yesterday Tay and I headed to Walmart to buy all her school supplies.  She starts school on August 26th in Tatum.  We aren't sure who her teacher is yet, but she's excited.  Another reason our house must hurry up and sell! There's going to be lots of driving to and from.  Gas gas gas!

This weekend we are headedt to Mexia to visit with Leven's parents.  We have also decided to buy Mike's camero.  This was his baby before he passed away.  It's a RED, 2010 Chevy Camero and it's got a V8 engine with an extra chip he had put in for more power.  The car can get up and go. It's very nice and sporty.  So hopefully we will be bringing it home with us this weekend. 

I can't decide on our new house plans.  I thought I had it all figured out, but I keep changing my mind.  Leven wants a "farm house" style front porch. Too many decisions.  I am very thankful for though.  It's giving me tons of ideas!

I can't ask you enough to keep praying that our house sells.  I believe in the power of prayer and I believe God has a plan for us.