Wednesday, June 20, 2012

Vegas...well what else can I say! It was one of the best trips we've ever taken with our friends. We had a ball. Of course right now I'm still trying to catch up on sleep and getting use to the time zone difference. There's so much to do and see in this town and believe me, we didn't even come close to seeing even half of it. Leven's sister suprised him on Saturday by flying to Vegas for just the night. When I say just for the night, that means we pulled an all nighter. She didn't even get a room because her flight was leaving at 7:30 Sunday morning. He was so suprised. Leven and I put her in the cab around 4:45 am and we got to our room a little after that. We enjoyed the pool, ate good, and I even came home a WINNER!!! I know how to play Black Jack, but now I really know how to play. I came home with about $700 more than I came with! Leven on the other hand, well, let's not even go there! Today is Leven's actual birthday. So happy 40th to my best friend, lover, soul mate, and the man that still makes me laugh every day.
This was the night we went "downtown" to the old Vegas strip. We had the best time down there. We sat at one black jack table from 8:00-1:00! I won $200 that night and Leven won $500.

Out to eat with my sister and her hubby at N9NE Steakhouse at The Palms! Dinner was wonderful

Our first night being in Vegas!

Leven and Terri!

After we ate that night we headed up to the Ghost Bar lounge. It was outside at the very top of this hotel. The view was stunning!

I have so many pictures of Vegas, but it would take me all day to put them on this blog. So I gave you just a sample.

My parents are on their way to Omaha, Nebraska right now. My dad has ALWAYS wanted to go to the baseball college world series so.....they are! Too bad there's no Texas teams playing in it this year. So while they are gone for a week we are having to tend to the garden and water all her flowers. My Meme just called me and told me I needed to get out to her house and get these tomatoes and cucumbers picked! haha.

While we were in Vegas Taydem spent the night with them and then her Grans (Leven's mom) came and got her and took her on to our house for a day until we got back. Taydem is worn out just like we are! ha....She has not wanted to get up for school these past two mornings. We thank our parents so much for watching her. She has had two swimming lessons so far! Thank goodness. I think after a few more she will be ready to swim without her floaties.
she finally got brave and jumped off the diving board!

Swimming lessons with Kaitlyn

oh so sassy!

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