Thursday, June 7, 2012

I spy....

Yesterday I took Taydem to her audiologist (hearing aid doctor) for a 2 week follow up. He wanted to take another hearing test with the hearing aids in her ears.  Of course she is doing just fine with them. I can tell a huge difference when she is wearing them. I don't have to repeat myself over and over and she doesn't say "huh", "what", "I didn't hear what you said, Mommie!". Our goal right now is to have her wear them throughout  her day at school. Once she gets home, if she wants to take them off she can.  She has to get adjusted to them more than anyone. She's so grown up and sooo independent.  I threatened her with her life about taking care of her hearing aids when she first got them.  We can't get them wet, we can't lose them, we can't let anyone play with them, don't take them out of your ears unless you ask me first, etc. So far it's worked! She's even better than me at times. I tend to want to just sit them down anywhere once she's taking them out, but she tells me that I need to put them in their "special" box (it's a hearing aid case, that we call "the box").  If I tell her I will do it later, she grabs those hearing aids and puts them in "the box" herself! I'm so proud of my little girl and the person she is becoming.
Of course one of the main reason's I got an ipad was for Taydem.  She asked if she could play with my big phone the minute she saw it! She calls it a "mypad!" One day she will get it right. So now that you've seen the picture above, did you notice the hearing aid??

Instagram App photo for June 7th- My all time addiction!

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