Tuesday, October 4, 2011

Rough it up

Yesterday when I picked Taydem up from school I had quiet a surprise. When I walked in her room all the kids were sitting along the wall while her teacher was finishing up the vacumming. I told Taydem to go get her bow out of her cubby so we can head home. She ran over to her cubby (which was right beside where her teacher was cleaning) and her teacher yelled, "I thought I told you to go sit down...now go!!!!" Wow...so I stepped out from behind the door and boy was she shocked. Her face and attitude completely changed and she said, "Taydem's been so bad today!" (in a nice voice). Ok, I don't mind at all Taydem sitting in time out or even getting in trouble. But the way she yelled at her, OMG! I don't even yell like that. I scared that teacher to death. But every day when I pick Taydem up one of those kids are getting scorned at. So I went and complained to the head lady at the desk. I NEVER complain about things like this, but I felt she went a bit to far. I told them if Taydem gets put in time out or if she's SO bad during a day's time to let us know. I want to know so I can help fix the problem. I don't want Taydem being a bad child!!
So this morning when I drop Taydem off from school her old teacher is laughing when she says, "Devin, I didn't know Taydem was such a good wrestler!! (that would be a thanks to Trever!!) She said she thought it was so funny, but she walked into a room yesterday and Taydem had a boy pinned down. She said the boy was laughing so she knew they were playing, but that little boy wasn't getting up!! So, I guess Taydem was pretty wild yesterday. Taydem and Trever (and Leven) wrestle ALL the time. Pretty much every night. I don't mind it at all, because I know it's making her tough. But she does not need to be a bully. So now I will need to have a talk with her about this! Wild woman....I promise she's not such an angel. This picture is perfect!!

Leven's team heads to Marshall tonight starting the second round of district play. I'm not going to make the drive bc it's probably going to be another butt stompin'! After tonight's game they will be 30-3!

1 comment:

Andrea said...

You are nicer than me! I would have complained about the teacher AND about her vacuuming while the kids were still there. Cleaning like that is for AFTER the kids are gone. While there are kids still there, the teacher should be actively engaging them in activity - NOT yelling at them to sit down and vacuuming! Good for you for saying something to the director!