Thursday, October 20, 2011

All Growed Up!

I really just need to soak up the fact that Taydem is not a baby anymore. She has really turned into a sweet little girl who is very independent and loves to "love" and to be loved. Yesterday was her 4 year check up (tear). I knew she would be getting around 4 shots and told her if she did good at the doctor's office then we would go to a pumpkin patch afterwards and play. We drove right by the patch on our way to the doctor so she could see it. The doctor visit went very well. She passed both her hearing and vision tests and got 4 shots (2 in each ARM!!). She was rewarded with 3 big stickers, a purple spider ring (which she picked out bc purple is her favorite color at the moment) and a bracelet. She weighed 37 pounds (62 percentile) and her height was only in the 42 percentile (another tear). With her long legs I just knew she was going to be above average. We left and headed straight to the pumpkin patch. We rode on a small hayride, walked through a maze, and picked out a couple of small pumpkins. We got one pumpkin for her teacher and one for Papaw. We were on a time crunch. We had church at 6 and still wanted to run by the hospital to bring Papaw his pumpkin, PLUS stop at McDonalds and get a happy meal (Every Wednesday is the same routine. We stop and have McDonalds before church). We flew across town and picked up her happy meal then headed to the hospital. The happy  meals out right now are a small Halloween bucket with lots of different stickers that can make a face. That was perfect. We got up to the room and there sat Meme and Papaw together watching the evening news. Taydem munched on a few fries and then decided she wanted to decorate Papaw's pumpkin. She ended up putting two faces on his pumpkin. All the while Papaw was smiling from ear to ear. So glad we stopped by. Next we were off to church/choir for the night. I was slap worn out when I got home. I felt like I never slowed down for about 5 hours straight. My Papaw should be getting out of the hospital next Friday. Thank you for your prayers.

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