Monday, October 31, 2011

Plumtuckered OUT!

Happy Halloween!

It's been kind of a tradition now to dress up at work for Halloween. This year I kept it as simple as possible...REFEREE! We usually dress up for pictures and then everyone changes their clothes. But today I will be a referee as long as I can. I have to leave work early bc Leven's first playoff game is at 5:30 and the drive is over an hour. We should come home with an easy win tonight. Then round 2 will be a tough one.
Taydem's classmates pumpkins

My Bumble BEE

Rollerderby "PoisonApple" and I
This past weekend was a long one. Saturday Trever, Taydem and I drove up to Rowlett to watch Leven's girls play a warm-up game. We lost in 4 games. First lost in a long time. But I think it was a good thing. We saw a much faster game and hopefully this will prepare them for Round 2. After the game Leven joined us and we drove to never never land! Well, Eastland Texas. I have never been that west before. I was seeing cactus everywhere. We were headed to Cisco Junior College for Trever's baseball game on Sunday and we decided to spend the night in Eastland (only 10 miles from Cisco). On the way we stopped by Ranger, Texas. This is where Leven played Junior College baseball. We have heard the stories and so it was nice to finally see the place. Not much there. But I managed to take one good picture of Leven in front of the sign!
We finally made it to the hotel ("big house" as Taydem called it). She was wired!! She would not stop jumping on the beds, running across the room, stomping, laughing, driving us CA-RAZY! Whew...she finally hit the pillow.
The game was forever long on Sunday. It got started late anyways and it was a 10 inning game. We thought about it on the way home. Trever got 3 at bats and like 2 balls hit at him. All that way (4 hours) for just that much ball playing! Not cool. But we had some good family bonding time and got to see Leven's old stomping grounds. That part of Texas is pretty. I will agree with Leven.

Tuesday, October 25, 2011

How Bout Them Rangers

Rangers are one game away from setting a record in Texas history! I have always been a huge baseball fan. Let's just say I pretty much had to since I practically grew up at the baseball park. So last night my brothers, brother-in-law and my dad headed to Arlington to see the 5th game of the World Series. They took Dad for his birthday! I haven't talked to them but I just know they had a blast. That game was awesome to watch on TV so I can't even imagine the atmosphere there in the park. Na-Po-Li! Na-Po-Li! Na-Po-Li! Mike Napoli should be the MVP no questions asked! I think last night they said the Rangers had 10 RBI's so far and Napoli had 9 of those RBI's! They head to St. Louis for the last 2 games.
 I just know the Rangers will bring it home.............
Just makes you even more proud to be a Texan!

I have some good lookin fellas in my life!

Monday, October 24, 2011


I have lived in East Texas for 31 one years and I have NEVER gone to the Gilmer Yamboree. It's a big Sweet Potato festival. Ok, I'm not going to knock Gilmer or anything...but let's just say I haven't missed much. Gilmer ISD let's out their kids for that whole week from school. OMG! I'm sure if I were from Gilmer it would be a bigger deal. My good friend Sam (hi Sam!) is from Gilmer and she usually comes home every year for the Yamboree. And my other friend Natalie was the Yam Queen back in the day! Of course there is much more that goes on, but we only caught some of Saturday. My dad and his band were singing at the convention center at the Gospel Festival on Saturday so we decided to head over to the carnival first. Mid October and I was sweating. I shouldn't have worn jeans. I'm not big on fairs anyways because I don't do rides. This chicka gets sick EASY! But Taydem loves them. We tried to let her ride all the kiddie rides. Dad won Taydem a huge giraffe by throwing a football through a hole. Go Dad! But another stuffed animal is just what Taydem needed...gah! We were there just long enough to get a peek at all the hype.

Check out dad in the background! ha

The minute we get home, the poor giraffe is already in time out. She said that he bit her bear!
 This makes me laugh just typing it!!

Now she's reading to bear and giraffe!! They look really into it! Especially Mr. Bear

Dad's band did a really good job! Gospel concert = tons of elderly folks! So dad's blue grass band was a huge hit. He even through in a couple of western songs for them. I actually enjoyed the concert myself. They sang for about 30 minutes but before they sang we got to watch 4 other bands. These pictures didn't turn out so well. I was too far away. But you get an idea.

Thursday, October 20, 2011

All Growed Up!

I really just need to soak up the fact that Taydem is not a baby anymore. She has really turned into a sweet little girl who is very independent and loves to "love" and to be loved. Yesterday was her 4 year check up (tear). I knew she would be getting around 4 shots and told her if she did good at the doctor's office then we would go to a pumpkin patch afterwards and play. We drove right by the patch on our way to the doctor so she could see it. The doctor visit went very well. She passed both her hearing and vision tests and got 4 shots (2 in each ARM!!). She was rewarded with 3 big stickers, a purple spider ring (which she picked out bc purple is her favorite color at the moment) and a bracelet. She weighed 37 pounds (62 percentile) and her height was only in the 42 percentile (another tear). With her long legs I just knew she was going to be above average. We left and headed straight to the pumpkin patch. We rode on a small hayride, walked through a maze, and picked out a couple of small pumpkins. We got one pumpkin for her teacher and one for Papaw. We were on a time crunch. We had church at 6 and still wanted to run by the hospital to bring Papaw his pumpkin, PLUS stop at McDonalds and get a happy meal (Every Wednesday is the same routine. We stop and have McDonalds before church). We flew across town and picked up her happy meal then headed to the hospital. The happy  meals out right now are a small Halloween bucket with lots of different stickers that can make a face. That was perfect. We got up to the room and there sat Meme and Papaw together watching the evening news. Taydem munched on a few fries and then decided she wanted to decorate Papaw's pumpkin. She ended up putting two faces on his pumpkin. All the while Papaw was smiling from ear to ear. So glad we stopped by. Next we were off to church/choir for the night. I was slap worn out when I got home. I felt like I never slowed down for about 5 hours straight. My Papaw should be getting out of the hospital next Friday. Thank you for your prayers.

Monday, October 17, 2011

Two Bits, Four Bits........

Taydem went to Pine Tree's cheerleading camp on Saturday. She loved it! I knew she would. This Friday they get to cheer with the cheerleaders during the 2nd quarter at the football game. She is pumped up! But she wants the Pirate to stay as far away from her as possible. She is still afraid of anything in a costume. Although, I did take her to the Halloween store last week for her to pick out a costume and the only one's she wanted were the witch ones. Go figure. So we finally settled on an agreement and chose the bumble bee costume. Here's a video of her doing the dance she learned at cheer camp. I thought she did pretty good for a 4 year old...everyone else was 5!

Trever and I started bootcamp this morning. Yes, I said Trever! I'm actually really excited that he's doing it with me. Every morning we get to run around, act like a fool, breath heavy (as if we are about to die), chase after each other, push ups, sit ups, weight lifting, towels, sprints, lunges, squats, (you get the picture?) at 5:30 AM!!! We will do this for the next 5 weeks! And we will have our results in the end. Stay tuned.....

I have one of the bestest friends IN THE WORLD!! Brittany has always cut my hair since our college days and after she had her second baby she decided to stay home with the kiddos and cut hair out of her house for the ones who still wanted to use her. I have missed her so much....I was going to drive to her house today after work to get mine and Taydem's hair trimmed, but now Trever needs one. So she is driving to our house tonight to cut all of our hair! That's some service right there...sweet friend. So I invited her to stay for dinner if she wanted too. Her little girl, Emersyn, is almost 3 so she and Taydem will have a ball together! Thanks Brit!!

Leven's team is 33-3...what what!
They have 3 more games of district play left and then playoffs will get under way.

Friday, October 14, 2011

Leven's interview

Listen to Leven's interview a couple of weeks ago at the football game's halftime.
 He starts talking at mark: 105.10

Sucked in

I have tried my hardest to avoid the insane world of Twitter. But...I have finally given in and joined. I'm not sure if I will "tweet" that much, but I just want to follow others. So...if you want, follow me @eastxlady

Leven and his girls are traveling to Jacksonville this afternoon. Taydem and I will stay home, wash clothes, and finally catch up on all our shows from this past week.

Tomorrow we actually have NO plans. I'm sure it will be a day of sitting on the couch, still in my PJ's, watching college football.

Happy Fall and have a wonderful weekend.


Wednesday, October 12, 2011

One Proud Wifey

Leven's team swept Hallsville once more and now their record is 10-0 in district and 32-3 overall. AND they are ranked 6th in the state polls!! I am one proud wife and FAN. Last night's game was so much fun. Trever is the ring leader for the student section and they were showing their support last night. Leven's Mom drove in for the game as well as my brother's and sister, and Mom and Dad. My Dad had been in south Texas since Monday and drove straight to the game. Taydem was so excited to have her Grans sleep in the bed with her last night. Here is the newspaper article about the game last night:

Thank you Grans and Mike for my Laughin Duck!

Monday, October 10, 2011

Happy Birthday to ME

Yesterday was my 31st birthday. I thank my precious Lord for letting me see another year. Leven and I headed to Dallas Saturday morning to celebrate my birthday and to just get out of this town for a day. We needed a break from so much stress in our lives. We had so much fun!

Trever was invited by one of the cheerleaders to attend the Cheer/Buc/Football formal. I hated that I wasn't there to take pictures of he and his date, but I stole some from his date's mom's pictures! He looked handsome all in black. Here are a some of the pictures:

Trever and Brad

Trever and his date, Katie

Trever and Lauren

Trever and Haley
My Papaw (my dad's father) has been in the hospital for one week now. Please keep him in your prayers and my Meme as well. My Papaw will celebrate his 90th birthday next month. He and my grandmother celebrated 65 years of marriage on September 30th! 65 years! What a blessing they are to us. My Meme told me the night of their anniversary she lay in bed and thought of this sweet poem. She got up and wrote the poem down in 3 cards to give to all her kids. She said she didn't want to forget it!

Big game tomorrow for the Lady Pirates. They are playing Hallsville again, but this time in our gym. The game should be fun and exciting! District record for us is 10-0. Hallsville's record is 9-1!


Wednesday, October 5, 2011


Tuesday, October 4, 2011

Rough it up

Yesterday when I picked Taydem up from school I had quiet a surprise. When I walked in her room all the kids were sitting along the wall while her teacher was finishing up the vacumming. I told Taydem to go get her bow out of her cubby so we can head home. She ran over to her cubby (which was right beside where her teacher was cleaning) and her teacher yelled, "I thought I told you to go sit go!!!!" I stepped out from behind the door and boy was she shocked. Her face and attitude completely changed and she said, "Taydem's been so bad today!" (in a nice voice). Ok, I don't mind at all Taydem sitting in time out or even getting in trouble. But the way she yelled at her, OMG! I don't even yell like that. I scared that teacher to death. But every day when I pick Taydem up one of those kids are getting scorned at. So I went and complained to the head lady at the desk. I NEVER complain about things like this, but I felt she went a bit to far. I told them if Taydem gets put in time out or if she's SO bad during a day's time to let us know. I want to know so I can help fix the problem. I don't want Taydem being a bad child!!
So this morning when I drop Taydem off from school her old teacher is laughing when she says, "Devin, I didn't know Taydem was such a good wrestler!! (that would be a thanks to Trever!!) She said she thought it was so funny, but she walked into a room yesterday and Taydem had a boy pinned down. She said the boy was laughing so she knew they were playing, but that little boy wasn't getting up!! So, I guess Taydem was pretty wild yesterday. Taydem and Trever (and Leven) wrestle ALL the time. Pretty much every night. I don't mind it at all, because I know it's making her tough. But she does not need to be a bully. So now I will need to have a talk with her about this! Wild woman....I promise she's not such an angel. This picture is perfect!!

Leven's team heads to Marshall tonight starting the second round of district play. I'm not going to make the drive bc it's probably going to be another butt stompin'! After tonight's game they will be 30-3!

Monday, October 3, 2011

Lovin' life

These past few days have been so much fun and I'm feeling it this morning. Saturday night we got all dressed up for the Extravaganza! This year they held the event in Longview and it was only about 2 miles from our house. So we had a little "pre-party" first at our house. I think everyone showed up that I invited and then some. I was so surprised bc I only heard back from a few people saying that they were coming. We were probably at our house for about an hour and then headed out. Every now and then it's fun to get dressed up, put extra makeup on, spend a little more time on your hair and get SPRAY TANNED!! Here are some pictures from that night. We danced and danced until about 2:00 am!!

Sunday Tay and I headed to church. It was my Sunday to work in the nursery and Leven and Trever headed to Paris (Texas) for a baseball double header. Last night Dustin and Molly had a birthday party for Ally Austyn! Since she was turning 2, it was a "Tutu" party. Molly is so good at parties. Super cute!