Wednesday, February 16, 2011

And then there was..................


Trever starts baseball TODAY! I don't know who's more excited..he or Leven. I have always loved this sport too. Growing up as a child we spent many days/nights at the baseball park watching my two older brothers play. Snowcones, playground, dirt, bubble gum, sodas, popcorn, peanuts and tons of cheering are just a few things that remind me of ball parks as a kid! The snowcones back then really suck compared to the ones they have now!

My sister and I never got to play softball because it was just too hard with 4 kiddos playing the same sport during the same season. So we chose to stick with volleyball and basketball. Once we got in high school we were both baseball stat girls. I loved doing that job!! Both my brother's played college ball as well.

I ended up marrying a baseball player (Leven was a pitcher at Tarleton State) and now my step-son is playing high school baseball! I will have 3 nephews playing ball this spring. So much fun!

"Take me out to the ball game....take me out to the me some peanuts and crackerjacks...I don't care if I ever get back...for its root root root for the home team...if they don't win it's a shame...for it's ONE, TWO, THREE strikes your out at the OLD BALLGAME!"

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