Monday, February 28, 2011

Model in the works

Taydem loves the camera. I think you all know this by now. Here is a "mini photo shoot" (at least that is what it felt like) we did on Saturday. Such a cutie!

Friday, February 25, 2011

On the mound....

I lighted my hair and it turned out RED!

We Need Our Teachers....AND our Coaches!

This little article was in the Longview News Journal yesterday. Our state and government are falling apart right before our very eyes. Some people have NO SENSE!

This really upsets me! I can't tell you how many kids from Leven's past still call, email or even come see him on a regular basis. Coaches ALSO leave a huge impact on a child's life. Coaches usually become closer to their athletes than a teacher would their student. Not only are coaches helping athletes to become better at their sport..., but they are teaching them to be a better person in their every day lives. Leven has heard this more than once, "You are like a father I never had," and my favorite, "Can I call you Daddy Barker?" Ha!

"A coach is a single mother's best friend"
     Dujuan Bradford

I posted this on facebook and here are some comments people left about it:
‎**  "The Coaches at Tatum are what make the athletic program. They all help the young men and women learn what it means to focus on a goal as individuals and as team preparing them for life. But they are also teachers in the classrooms and... assist principals. So cutting coaches is also cutting teachers and administrators. I don’t think ms, Peterson understands that point. She also needs to understand that if the school charges $7.50 for ticket to a sporting event and 1000 people attend then the school just made 7500.00 before the people buy any food and drinks at the games they attend at Tatum. So, she really needs think about that part of it. But the reality is not who lose their job. It is about the state’s inability to manage the state education budget and how that not only affects the teachers and staff but more importantly how the cuts affect our children."
** "My softball coaches changed my life for the better and keep me out of trouble! I can't say that about any of my teachers. Not to say there aren't any out there. I just can't say that any of mine touched my life like my coaches did......."
** " Coaches are definitely teachers too and I am glad Hannah had and in fact still has Coach Barker in her life. There are good teachers and good coaches (and unfortunately some not so good of both) and it is a shame to me that our state won't... let go of the milliions of dollars payed out for TESTING (TAKS/STARR) and people who create the test make NO impact on a students life but are willing to cut those who truly make a difference in a child's life. Why can't testing be done every 2 to 3 years and as needed and keep 1000s of teachers/coaches employed. With less testing teachers might discover the joy of teaching and learning again!!"
**"Amen, Noreen! You have my vote for governor, president, or whatever other office you desire! Why is your idea not on the front page of every newspaper in Texas?! Let's funnel our frustrations in the direction of these test-mongers instead of each other. Teachers and coaches are on the same team and, in the best situations, work together for the best interest of the student."
What is your feedback on this?

Thursday, February 24, 2011

It will come back

Taydem smashed her pinky finger almost 6 weeks ago at her school. I am still confused as to what happened, but something about Cameron did it. It's been black since then. I even painted her nails to try and cover it up. So last night she was suppose to be in bed asleep but got up to come show me her nail. She said, "Wook my finger is falling off!" Ugh, for some reason stuff like that grosses me out. Her nail had pulled off from the bottom. The top of the nail was still intact. So this was a job for Leven. She started freakin out at first begging Leven not to touch her nail. He told her he just wanted to "wook" at it, and then POP he pulled it off! Gag.....She didn't cry but just looked all surprised afterwards. We told her it would come back....

Trever got his FIRST college letter in the mail yesterday. He had a smile on his face the whole time trying to understand it, St. Edwards University. I think Leven had a little emotional moment when he saw it. He told Trever that's what good grades will do for you.

I started bootcamp yet again. I love it! I hate hate having to wake up in the morning but once I get out of the house and into my car, I feel pretty good. This morning I burned 860 calories! WOW. I wear a calorie watch and heart monitor every time I work out. If you don't have one of these and you are a huge exercise buff, I recomment you get one. I ordered mine off the internet, but Academy has them I know.

Tuesday, February 22, 2011

New APP!

You all know that I love this iphone of mine. Here is a new app that I learned about and yes, I can't stop playing with it. I've been looking for a really neat camera app and I read a sweet friend's blog today and whatdoyouknow!! It's called Hipstamatic. Here are a few pictures that I took today using it:
Fish Lips!

This PIC has a red tint to it

Cool and vintage!

This is Robert. He works with me. Funny dude. Check out his upper lip!

Monday, February 21, 2011

Isn't she lovely..........

She is my sweet "mini-me."

She is a kissing monster! She gives me at least 10 kisses a day!

Future star!

Action shot---dang iphone made it blurry!

I will give you one guess as to who wanted Taydem to have her picture taken with all these good looking ladies.......LEVEN!

Wednesday, February 16, 2011

And then there was..................


Trever starts baseball TODAY! I don't know who's more excited..he or Leven. I have always loved this sport too. Growing up as a child we spent many days/nights at the baseball park watching my two older brothers play. Snowcones, playground, dirt, bubble gum, sodas, popcorn, peanuts and tons of cheering are just a few things that remind me of ball parks as a kid! The snowcones back then really suck compared to the ones they have now!

My sister and I never got to play softball because it was just too hard with 4 kiddos playing the same sport during the same season. So we chose to stick with volleyball and basketball. Once we got in high school we were both baseball stat girls. I loved doing that job!! Both my brother's played college ball as well.

I ended up marrying a baseball player (Leven was a pitcher at Tarleton State) and now my step-son is playing high school baseball! I will have 3 nephews playing ball this spring. So much fun!

"Take me out to the ball game....take me out to the me some peanuts and crackerjacks...I don't care if I ever get back...for its root root root for the home team...if they don't win it's a shame...for it's ONE, TWO, THREE strikes your out at the OLD BALLGAME!"

Monday, February 14, 2011


If you are thinking about getting an iPhone............don't think...just do it! I love that phone more than my car I think! Both my parents just recently got one and my sister-in-law! I'm sure Leven will have one before the month is over. Here are a few pictures from my phone:

Taydem doing her homework!
Let me explain this next picture. We have been having a poker game one night a week and I usually cook something for everyone and I usually play too. Well last Wednesday the school got cancelled for bad weather so Leven decided to go ahead and start playing at like 2. He had to go pick up Taydem from her school as well since I had to still work until 5. Taydem is really good when we have poker night because she usually watches a movie, plays with her babies or comes in there with us. This day though the school didn't give the kids their naps since they were getting picked up early. Leven thought Taydem was being quiet and asked if any of them had seen her lately and sure enough this is where they found her. She was on the floor in the same room as them ASLEEP! You can even see the rest of her honeybun in her hand.

Trever at his basketball game!

Taydem watching her "Bubba" play

Wednesday, February 9, 2011

Lookin' SHARP

Trever got asked to a formal last Saturday night (Cheerleader Formal). Bigger schools are so different than smaller school. I graduated with 87 kids in my class and I think I knew the whole high school. Trever has 321 kids in his class and he's sitting 32 right now in the rankings. But whole point of this is bigger schools have a "Formal" for EVERY club or organization. What's the whole point in even having PROM then??? At Tatum we had Prom and that was it!! The only dance we got all dressed up for. Of course there were Homecoming and Valentine dances, but we didn't have to have our hair done, make up just right, fancy shoes, and the perfect dress for those. 

So Saturday Trever got all dressed up and I took him over to the house where all the couples were meeting for pictures. Leven is not into all that (and I AM!) so I took him. The house they met at was freakin AMAZING! BEAUTIFUL! GORGEOUS! The girl that asked him is a freshmen and is the tiniest thing I have ever seen. I felt like a beast around her. Here are a few pictures:

Trever said he didn't have that good of a time. Taylor (his date) told him when they got to the dance that she has a boyfriend and couldn't dance with him. Oh lord! I don't think Trever minded that at all.

Tuesday, February 8, 2011

Make UP your MIND

Today the high is 55 degrees. Tomorrow's high is 35 degrees and they are calling for 2-4 inches in snow!! Maybe we will get another day off from work!!

Tonight I am having another Willow House party. My sister-in-law, Molly, is one of the best at throwing parties. Any party! She really should do something with these type of skills on the side. Willow House is the new Southern Living. They bought out Southern Living last year and everyone is still trying to get use to the new name, even me! I did this hoping to make a little extra cash on the side and I've actually done pretty good for myself. I usually try and do one party a month. Of course I like the extra cash, but I always enjoy getting to visit with all the ladies without the kids or hubby. Every woman needs to get away for a night and enjoy herself. Molly is doing a Valentine's themed party and will have tons of yummy desserts! I can't wait!

I also now have my own website and online store. Every week they have a new assortment of 70% off items to choose from. There is also an outlet store that has 60%, 50% and 40% off items. Shopping online is the new thing! It's just so easy. Check it out and SHOP NOW!

Click on "outlet" in the top right corner on menu bar!

Monday, February 7, 2011

Texas Weather----strange

Last week we went from having 70 degree weather to freezing! Crazy stuff. But we did get Friday off from work and school. That day we decided to have a poker game at our house from 1:00 to 11:00 that night! OMG! I was worn out. And yes, I play too. I love it!

Before everyone came over we went out and played in the snow. Take a look:

Baby Addison

Please take a a few minutes to look over my good friend's story. She needs prayers from all around for her little baby girl, Addison! So right now...say a little prayer!


Thursday, February 3, 2011

Happy Birthday


Last night I told Taydem we would paint her nails and so.....she would not leave me alone until we got those things painted! She is such a little diva.





Wednesday, February 2, 2011

What a blessing!

I can see! I can really see!

My surgery was Monday and I seriously think the whole process was less than 15 minutes. My doctor was AMAZING and I recommend him to anyone who is thinking about having LASIK done. He and I talked the ENTIRE time he was moving my eyeballs around. I think that's the weirdest part of that whole thing. I was wide awake!! I will take you through my process:

Leven and I got there WAAAAYYYY early. I checked in around 1 and my appointment was scheduled for 2. They called my name around 1:45. So yes, the entire time sitting in the waiting room I was a complete wreck worrying about it. I have no idea why I bring Leven along for these types of things. He thinks he's funny and makes jokes about the surgery (bad, mean jokes) the whole time. I guess he thinks he's doing a good job and relaxing me a little..........but NO he's not! He freaks me out even more. Can you imagine every baby doctor visit when I was preggo with Taydem????? So anyways they finally call my name and we headed back. There were 4 of us back there waiting for our new eyes and I was last to go. We all got our little caps for our heads and shoe covers on. She went over all our eyedrops one last time before going in. I had to go to the bathroom 3 times before my surgery. Guess I was a little nervous. I finally got called into the Laser Room (that's what they call it) and there were 4 ladies in there. The first lady helped me lie down on the chair. The minute I layed my head back I had one lady opening my left eye putting in drops and another lady opening my right eye putting in drops. Neither of them asked me to "OPEN MY EYES" they just did it for me. These drops were my numbing drops. When they were finished the doctor sat down and my head was pretty much between his legs. I was praying that my eyes were already numb bc he did not waste any time. Next thing I know they were putting some type of clamp or something in my right eye so I couldn't blink. WEIRD. Every time they did something he would explain it to me, but most of the time I wasn't even listening. I was too busy telling myself to breath!!! Then came the dreaded laser coming at my eye. This was the process of creating a very thin flap of tissue that is folded back during treatment. WEIRD. Once that happened they moved on to the left eye. To keep still he would tell me to look at a certain point until the countdown was complete (one nurse was there only to countdown). The point I was looking at was usually some sort of blinking light. After the left eye was complete it was now time for the most important part. They started with the left eye and took out that clamp thingy. This time they just taped my top eyelashes back and the bottom eyelashes down so I couldn't blink. WEIRD. So now another machine was coming down at me. This one was going to reshape the exposed surface with the Excimer laser and then he had to replace the flap. WEIRD. I focused in on a red blinking light the whole time while the machine made a loud clinking noise and then I could smell the crazy smell every one talks about. To be honest, none of that bothered me. This whole process I could feel pressure but it never hurt me. I layed there as still as possible until the countdown was over. The machine was lifted and then he took two little untensils and folded my flap back over. WEIRD. I knew what he was doing but couldn't feel a thing. Strange, but it reminded me of him playing with jello or something. He folded it back and smoothed it out like he was playing with plastic wrap (saran wrap). Then they took off the tape and it was on to the left eye!!! After the left eye they asked me to sit up. I couldn't believe how fast it was. All I could keep saying was, "That was the weirdest thing I have ever done!" That was some seriously "easy money!" But that money was worth every penny and then some. By far the best gift I have ever received and so thankful. If you have never had problems with your eyes, then you really wouldn't understand it all. I have been wearing glasses or contacts for over 18 years!!! To finally go to bed at night without having to take my contacts out OR the best...getting to wake up in the morning and see what time it was without putting on my glasses or sticking my cell phone in front of my nose is the best feeling in the world. Yes, what a blessing!!

So for the next 30 days I can't rub my eyes. I have been using all kinds of eyedrops since the surgery and at night I get to wear these really cool goggle thingys to help protect my eyes in the middle of the night (rubbing, itching, etc)