Thursday, March 18, 2010

I've been doing push ups at night and every time I get on the floor Taydem joins me. The first time I started doing them I looked over at Taydem and busted out laughing. She was doing push ups too, or so she thought she was doing them. Check out the video below. This is her version of "push ups!"

I've decided to get Taydem evaluated on her speech. I've heard all different reasons not to and reasons why I should. She had tubes put in her ears when she was 14 months and the doctor told me then that she would behind on talking. So after she turned 2 I asked the doctor again about it. He said that usually babies with tubes are about 6 months behind other kids their age. He said at 2 1/2 if you are still worried about it, call and have her evaluated. It's a free charge and they actually come out to your house. If they feel that she needs some help they will work with her until she's 3. Once she's 3 they will then decide if she needs further attention and will place her with a speech therapist either at a school district or she will have a private therapist. So this afternoon we will have her first screening. I'm anxious to see what they say. She is talking more and more, but we just can't make out what she's saying. Believe me when I say this, she knows what she's saying and gets frustrated when we don't understand her. I got her to sing for me last night and recorded it. She LOVES to sing! When she sings her ABC's you will be able to hear her speech. She's so sweet! Listen close for the "W!" So funny!


The Pabens said...

oh my funny! I love those pushups...get it Taydem! She is starting to look more and more like you! I hope we can see her next time we are home! Love you!

Kristen said...

I am cracking up!!!! Those videos are priceless! She is so sweet :) (and I love the "W"!!)