Thursday, March 4, 2010


I think about dreams often. What do they mean? Do you dream in color? Do they make you cry, real tears? Do they tell you something? Are they a sign of the future? I dream A LOT! Usually every night. And almost every dream, I will remember it. The past few weeks Taydem has been waking up screaming around the same time every night. It scares me to death every time I hear her. Last night when I went into her room she was trying to get the stuffed lion out of her rocking chair. She was mad at it! It took me awhile to wake her up. Once she was awake, she was even more scared. I had to lay with her until she fell back to sleep. But I think it's so crazy, b/c I can remember her having dreams as a little baby. She would jump and make faces when she slept. I wonder at that age what on earth could they be dreaming about??

"Pay attention to your dreams - God's angels often speak directly to our hearts when we are asleep."

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