Monday, March 29, 2010

Taydem is growing and learning every day. She's so dang cute!
Here are some of her new things:

~ She loves to get her ownself dressed, which amazes me! She's very independent! I will start putting her panites on and she'll say "I do it momma!"

~One day after church I took off her church clothes and told her to go put some play clothes on. I got busy and completely forgot about it. She comes running out of her room with a pair of sweat pants on and a shirt! She even matched! And she put her shirt on. That's the hardest thing ever to do!

~I've said this before, but the girl loves to sing. Every day in the car she'll sing for me. And she always starts off by saying "Momma!" She waits until I look at her before she starts.

~She's talking more and more, but it's still so hard to make out what she's saying. We try not to laugh, but sometimes she's so serious and it all just comes out jibberish!

~She loves to do whatever I'm doing. If I'm eating chips and salsa, she's going to have chips and salsa. If I'm folding clothes, she's going to fold the clothes. If I'm loading/unloading the dishwasher she's right there beside me. (just watch out for the knives!) Yesterday I was putting her sheets back on the bed and she was at one corner trying to tuck it under the bed!

~She adores her daddy and goes crazy when he gets home and walks through the door! Because now IT's PLAY TIME! Daddy and Taydem also feed the fish together. It's "their" thing!

~She also is asking where her Bubba is constantly. A lot of the weekends Trever will go stay with his Momma. Taydem doesn't understand this yet! She thinks I'm his Momma! And always looks so puzzled when I tell her where he is!

~She loves to GO GO GO! We will walk in the door and she's ready to go again. She also loves Trever's baseball games. We have to watch her like a hawk b/c she won't stay still for a second.

~Let's see....she wants to wear a dress all the time!

~She's finally in a size 6 SHOE!!!

~She's not much of a TV kind of girl. She was into watching Elmo, Dora and Barney there for awhile but doesn't care for them much anymore. She would rather run around the house, play with her babies, play chase with Trever, or READ her books!

~Her favorite foods/drinks: Cinnamon donuts, MILK, any type of cereal, bananas, chicken, orange juice, CHEESE, chips, strawberries, DR. Pepper (that's the bad one!), cheeseburgers, ketchup (loves to dip anything), anything Italian, Mexican food, hot dogs, any type of BEAN, rice, Chocolate, apples, WATER, and BEEF!

~ She wants me to paint her toes and finger nails ALL the time!

~She won't ever take her shoes off. She's so afraid we are going to leave without her!

~She can't get enough of her "Aunt Dain!" And lover her Nana and Papa!

~She loves giving KISSES!! And this is all the time! We will be in a conversation with anyone and she will run up to us ready to pucker! She's too sweet!

~She's very active and her eye hand cordination is very very good! She'll make a good athlete one day! And I might add, she's tough!

1 comment:

Lacy Frazier said...

I cant wait to meet this little cutie!!!! Shes so precious!