Wednesday, March 24, 2010

"Here goes my allergies again!"

Yesterday when we came home from work the weather was to die for! So we figured we would work in our yard until dark! We finally bought ourselves a riding lawnmower and Leven was more excited than I thought he would be. We also bought a "sweeper" that you pull behind your lawnmower that picks up grass, leaves, pine needles etc. My dad has one and while living at the lake house Leven loved that thing. So while Leven was out in the back yard "sweeping" up piles and piles of leaves and pine straw, I was in the house sweeping myself! I also cleaned all the ashes out of the fireplace and vacummed it out! Looked like new! After he was finished piling up everything, I went out back and helped him bag it all up. First we filled the back of his truck up until we couldn't get anymore in there. Then we filled 15 trashbags full of leaves and straw!! 15! He then fertilized the back yard and I cleaned out all the straw in our flowerbeds. We worked until almost 8! Wore us out! Here is a picture of the sweeper if you are interested! Best buy EVER!

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