Monday, March 1, 2010

Goin to the chapel......

A huge shout out goes to my little sister Danin! She got engaged last Friday and I don't think she's stop smiling since then! She's so happy and we are thrilled for her. Eric is a wonderful man and I can't wait to see them married! So now the wedding planning begins.

She's really different than me when it comes to stuff like this. I really could've cared less if I had a wedding and all the hoop-la that goes along with it. But she wants it all and already has most of it figured out! I guess I am wayyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy to laid back. I was the same way when we were building our home. And according to Danin, I'm the same way with Taydem. Who cares if she has a bow in her hair or not!!

Taydem may be different than me too. Last night I was going to let her hair dry by itself, but she threw a fit. She wanted me to blow dry it. Oh goodness! And she thinks she has to have a bow in her hair all the time! She also walks around the house with her tutus on and her high heels. This is an every night thing for her. Funny!

So congrats again to my sister! We haven't had anyone in the family have a wedding since ME, I think! So it's time for a family reunion this summer!!

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