Wednesday, February 24, 2010


Last night Leven and I got FREAKED out! It was about 10:15 and I had already started to dose off and Leven was watching TV. All of a sudden we heard this man talking really really loud. At first I thought it was Trever yelling at someone on his cell phone. Leven sat up and asked me if I could hear that! (I guess he thought he was hearing things, ha) But it was sooooooooo loud. I can't even describe how loud it was. We figured out that it was the TV blarring in the game room! We still don't have a clue how it got turned on. You have to turn the DVR, surround sound, and TV on with three different remotes. And it just suddenly turned on??? Weird. We both sat up and looked at each other with chill bumps running down our bodies. Leven finally got up and checked it out. Of course, everything was fine, but what the heck? How did all three of those things get turned on and the sound cranked up? Spooky let me tell ya!

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