Thursday, February 18, 2010

I feel so blessed of what the Lord has given me every day. I never want to take anything for granted.

-I am thankful for Leven. I know that God put me in Mexia for a reason. It was to fall in love with a man and his son and for us to take care of each other. He makes me laugh EVERY single day (even when he knows I'm mad at him), is a wonderful daddy, caring, works hard at his job and loves changing the lives of kids while doing what he loves, coaching!
-I am thankful for Trever. I've enjoyed watching him grow over these past few years and I hope one day he will appreciate everything that I do for him. He makes me proud!
-I am thankful for my sweet baby girl. She is seriously the best thing ever! Since day one, she's been nothing but an easy child for Leven and I. She adores her daddy, watches her "Bubba", and loves her mommie to death! She is a little me and I love watching her every day. She has a sweet smile and a huge heart!
-I am thankful for my parents who have shown me love from day one and continue showing me love for myself and now my family.

-I am thankful for my brothers who are both wonderful daddy's and hard working men who take care of their families.
-I am thankful for my the sister-in-laws and the way they love and adore their children and I feel blessed to call them my family.
-I am thankful for my sister. She is my best friend. She's the one that knows all my secrets and I know hers! She's my twinky these days and a second mom to Taydem! I love her dearly.
-I am thankful for my extended family who live everywhere! We were all raised very close to each other and have always known that family comes first. I would do anything for any one of them.
-I am thankful for my grandparents.
-I am thankful for my "new" family since being married! I enjoy spending time with each of you and learning more and more about Leven's childhood and where he came from. Thank you for taking me in!
-I am thankful for my friends. Each day it gets harder and harder to stay close to them, but we always make it work. They are also the ones that know tons of secrets and will always be there. I wish we could always be together!
-I am thankful for my beautiful home, the cars we drive, our church, our jobs, our HEALTH, and more importantly, a God that loves me.

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