Wednesday, September 30, 2009

Ally Austyn Anthony

My baby niece was born yesterday a little before 3:00 pm! She weighed 6 lbs 15 oz and was 19 1/2 inches long. She was actually 3 weeks early, but so far her and Mommie are doing fine. She has a little round face (like the rest of the Anthony's) and tons of light brown hair! Too me she looks like Asbby. I'm so glad they ended up choosing her name as Ally Austyn. They were going back and forth with her name. Dustin wanted Austyn Elizabeth (named after our Meme) and Molly wanted it to be Austyn Ruth (after her Gim). So they decided to not choose either and go with Ally. I really want to call her Ally, but Dustin likes Austyn. So who knows. Here are a few pics of us visiting last night at the hospital. Since she was born 3 weeks early, they have to stay at the hospital a couple days later to just monitor her.

Also I want everyone to keep my friend Brittany and her husband in your prayers. Brittany’s (good friend of mine, plus she does my hair!) husband is in the ICU right now with phenomena. It’s not looking good at the moment. They have a ventilator in him trying to send oxygen to his lungs but his oxygen level is staying at 70%. It needs to be at 98-100%. She just told me that his lungs are starting to get hard so they are mixing water with the oxygen. It started off as the flu. The flu is so bad right now. Don't wait until it's too late to get it checked out!

Tuesday, September 29, 2009

Recent photos

I took these pictures this weekend in Mexia.

Monday, September 28, 2009


Leven's girls won on Friday against Sulphur Springs. They are off on Tuesday and play Mt. Pleasant on Friday. Should be a nice week for Leven.

We went to Mexia this past weekend for a wedding. Leven's friend Jason was getting married in Jewett. This was a different wedding compared to the ones I've had this summer. It was very small, cozy, and sweet! I would describe it as a small town country wedding! We also visited with Leven's parents while we were down.

I have been super busy at work. Leven's always picking on me for being on Facebook and blogging, but here lately I don't even know what Facebook is! Today I didn't even take a lunch break because I was determined to get all my work finished before going home! Now my eyes hurt! I like it though. Staying busy keeps the day going by fast!

Wednesday, September 23, 2009


We traveled to Hallsville last night for another great game. Leven's girls started off rough and lost the first 2 games. The Hallsville fans came out last night. That gym was rocking with noise! I think our girls were a little nervous in the beginning. We stayed with them the whole first 2 games but came up short. We kicked their butts in game three and our girls were really fired up afterwards ready for game 4. Going into the 4th game we were up 18-13 at one point and up 24-21. The final score of game four was 30-28!!!!! We lost! Hallsville never quit and came back and won! The whole Pine Tree side was about to have a heart attack during those last few rallies. It was crazy! Leven wasn't mad at all. The girls played awesome. I think losing the first two games really hurt us. They will learn from this and will get them back when they come to our place next!

Monday, September 21, 2009

Lots of news

I had a really great weekend!

- Saturday we put down tons of grass for our yard! (Thanks to my dad for helping out).
- I went and saw Britney Spears in concert Saturday night. I loved it! I can't tell you the last
time I went to a concert. She's really awesome even if she's had some bumps in the road along
the way! She can really shake her booty!
- My cousin Peyton had a healthy baby boy Saturday night as well. He weighed 6 lb 15 oz and
was 20 inches long. William Gage Sparks!
- I had my second Southen Living Party at my house yesterday! I was so happy with the
turnout. Wow! Thank you ladies!
- My brother's new home is so beautiful! They are beginning the move in process now.
- My parent's are headed to the Northeast with some of their friends.
- Leven and I bought plane tickets to Oregon last night! We are going to visit his friend Chris and
their family. Dec. 2-6
- Leven is 3-0 in district and will play the big ole Hallsville girls tomorrow night! Can't wait!

Thursday, September 17, 2009

Rain disappear-------please!

It was been raining here in East Texas since Sunday. I'm not even kidding! Since we haven't put any grass in our front yard, it looks like a war zone. Mud is everywhere! Yesterday morning our landscaper came out and did a wonderful job around the house. It really makes the house look so much better. He got it done just in time before it came a flood again! Hopefully on Saturday we will be able to lay some grass around the house. Leven planted seed and fertilizer a while back to get the back yard going. It's going alright!

This week I have bought a few fall decorations for the house. I LOVE Hobby Lobby! I could stay in there for hours. I'm having a Southern Living Party at my house on Sunday and I wanted to get my house looking all fall like and cute! I don't even think Leven noticed everything I bought, thank goodness!

His team is 2-0 in district now. They beat Marshall out on Tuesday. Tomorrow they head to Texarkana to play Texas High. They volleyball boosters has raised tons of money so far this year and they are letting the girls charter to this game. Leven is probably more excited than the girls. He hates that drive and now he gets to relax to and from.

Hopefully Trever will get to play his first home game tonight if the weather clears up! His football team is doing really well so far.

Tuesday, September 15, 2009


I took Taydem to her 2 year check up yesterday morning and find out, yes, she's still a rugrat. I was just hoping that she would be above average for once, but I don't think that will ever happen with her. She weighed 24 pounds (18%) and was 33 inches tall (33%). She also had to get another shot and again did not cry. She's so tough. The last time I took her she got four shots and all she did was rub her leg and look at the nurse like she was crazy. All she cared about was getting her stickers! Here's a video I took of her the other day in the car!

Sunday, September 13, 2009


Leven's team played their first district game this past Friday. They were opening up with Longview High. We knew that the game would be close, but not that close! Longview's record coming into this game was 23-4. Our record was 11-16. So on paper we weren't looking so hot! We came out on fire! I have never seen these girls pass the ball the way they did that night. They never slowed down the first two games giving us the first two wins! The next two games went to Longview. Longview started getting their serving down and we couldn't pass the ball to save our lives! Ugh. So now we are tied each with two games. The 5th game no kidding went point by point. 1-1, 2-2, 3-3, 4-4, 5-5, etc. The final score was seriously 17-15, US! I was so happy for Leven and his girls. They played their hearts out and deserved to win. But just like Leven said, just two points and you either go home happy or sick to you stomach! Way to go Lady Pirates! This picture was taken after we won the second game. Check out my mom standing up in the Tatum "green" shirt! We know who the true supporters are!! haha.

Tuesday, September 8, 2009

Long Busy Weekend

On Friday after work, Taydem and I headed to Leven's volleyball game and then we went to the football game. Taydem is just like every other little girl. She couldn't take her eyes off the cheerleaders. That is so funny to me. She just stared at them all night long and then started clapping and jumping when they did. So sweet. I had to get her picture taken with some of the cheerleaders. This is Taydem with Hanna and AJ. They are both volleyball players too!
On Saturday we headed over to the West's house to let the kids swim and visit with Shelley and her two little girls. Then it was back to our house for the Texas game. We had some people come over that night to watch the game and help us chow down on some wings. We ended the night with a little karaoke!

On Sunday we all headed to church, swam at the lake and ate Mom's delicious dinner! Since Molly has been pregnant all she talked about was Chicken and Dressing. Normally that's just a holiday dish around here, but since she wanted it (and it was her birthday) Mom decided to make it for her! It was really good! We also had green beans, mac and cheese, cucumbers, meatloaf, canolope, and strawberry cake!

I told myself that this week was my week to start back at the gym. I decided the best time for me to go was early in the morning b/c we don't slow down once work is over. I set my alarm last night for 5:30, but forgot to turn the thing on! So 6:15 rolls around and Leven is trying to get me out of bed. It was too late. Cycle was at 6! So I guess I will start tomorrow.
I smell Fall in the air!

Wednesday, September 2, 2009

She's ALL girl

Taydem recently got a new pair of "high heel" shoes for her birthday and let me tell you something~~ she has to put them on every night! She loves hearing herself click click click all through the house. It really is so cute. It's even better when she puts on a tutu and carries her baby around the house. I just love this little girl! She's so much fun and cracks us up every day.