Monday, August 31, 2009

Someone jacked my purse

This morning on my way to drop off Taydem I noticed that I'm on "E!" So I pull into a gas station, park, turn off car and look for my purse. Where's my purse!! I couldn't find it anywhere. So I got all mad and headed back to the house thinking I left it there. I get back to the house and spend 30 minutes looking for that thing. I started freaking out b/c I never lose "big items." Yes, I will lose earrings, hair items, socks, etc. but not my purse-my life! So I call Leven and he walks back home (yes he can walk to work now!) to help me look for it. I kept telling him that it probably got stolen last night out of my car. He said "No way, they would've taken your IPOD as well!" True I thought so we kept looking. I finally gave up and headed back to the gas station (had to borrow Lev's card), to Taydem's daycare and on to work. I get to work and I'm not kidding I sit down and I have a phone call. It's a guy calling to check on one of my credit cards that was trying to be used several different times at different locations. I knew right away that it was stolen. Thief! I was so upset. I had to call and get all my credit/debit cards turned off, put a hold on my checks and Levens, get new insurance cards, new license, NEW SOCIAL Security cards for ME and TAY! I never have those in my purse, but I have needed them a lot this summer with the move and all. My whole life was in that purse. Including a new MAC lipgloss that I still can't believe I bought, powder, cute wallet, really cute notepad that I just got from a friend, and to top it all off it was my Coach purse that Leven bought me for my birthday last year! This day has not been a good one. I had to file a police report and the cop did the whole fingerprinting stuff all over my car! Maybe they will catch this THIEF! The bad thing is, they took it out of my car that was parked under our carport. Brave little sucker! This has been a huge lessoned learned for me: Never leave your belongings in your car~~ Even if it is at your back door.

Thursday, August 27, 2009

Daycare gone down

I was so pleased when I got Taydem in a daycare here that she really enjoyed and one that I was pleased with. Recently the head lady "Mrs. Dena" decided to go back teaching in the public school system. So now she's been gone for about a month. I noticed a huge change in the daycare a week after she left. The new lady isn't as nice and friendly, the staff isn't put together (most daycare staff aren't!), they don't send me notes home anymore telling me what she learned for that day or if she's out of wipes/diapers, it doesn't seem as clean, and I feel like she isn't learning as much as before. I've also had 2 more moms contact me about this. So I know I'm not the only one now. I thought I would give it some time to let the new staff get everything together again, but it's still going down in the dumps! So what do I do?? Taydem loves it there and you know she doesn't notice the change, so I don't want to move her somewhere that's she's not familiar with. But than again, I want the best for her and I feel she's not getting anything good where she is now. I'm going to look at a few daycares today at lunch that are still close to our house. Maybe I will find one that knocks me off my feet!

Monday, August 24, 2009

My SWEET Toddler

Taydem turned 2 on Saturday and we had a birthday party yesterday for her at KidsView in Longview. I was so surprised with the big turnout. I didn't think so many would be able to come. We had 10 little boys ranging from 6 to 16 months and then Taydem. She will be so tough one day with all these rough and tough boys around her. She looked adorable in her little pink dresse and pigtails. I want her right now to stop gettin older. She's the sweetest thing EVER! She loves to smile, laugh, dance, give kisses, play with her babies, sing, jump, spin in circles, walk around in my high heels, play with trucks (I still don't know if this is a good thing or not!), play with her cousins and big bro, EAT, cheer on the volleyball team, color, and loves her books! Here are a few pictures from yesterday!

Thursday, August 20, 2009

I love him, I love him not.....

So the past few weeks Leven and I have been ready to kill each other. With volleyball starting and moving into our new home we were both at each other's throats several times. I wanted to get the house in order so bad and Leven had gotten sick right in the middle of trying to do all of it. So it was mainly me, my wonderful parents, Trever, and Danin (here and there!). Not that Leven didn't do anything, he did, but it was when we were unpacking that I was about to go crazy. Plus volleyball takes 80% of his time right now, so it's just hard. So my whole point of this blog is he sent me ROSES today to work. I almost fell out when I came back from lunch and they were on my desk...really for me??? I told Leven not to long ago, that of course I would rather have a new pair of shoes, shirt, purse etc. then flowers, BUT seriously deep down ALL women love to receive flowers. It's the thought of course! The roses have made my day!! Yesterday was my review from work (I've been here a year now) and I also got a raise! So he also told me in the card "Congratulations, I am PROUD of you!" So now I guess I have to take back all the mean things that I have ever said about him. He's alright for an ole' Mexia boy!
I love you Leven.
(he loves reading my blog, even though he doesn't tell me that!)

Step right up and get yo' burger!

Today after work Natalie and I will head to Hallsville to help my brother and Molly with a catering! It's for about 400 people and they needed lots of help with it. Too bad it's going to be outside!!

Leven leaves today for Ft. Worth. They play Red Oak tonight and tomorrow they are in the Justin Northwest tournament. He claims they will get killed!

Danin is in Vegas right now with Eric. And I'm soooooooooooooo jealous!

Tuesday, August 18, 2009


Leven had his first home game last night in the new gym! Pine Tree built a really nice gym but it wasn't ready last year during volleyball season. It's so nice! They played Jacksonville and whooped up on 'em! They were horrible. Tonight they play Carthage. Should be a better ball game.

I have so much going on this week. Tomorrow night I have choir practice, Thursday night I have a catering to help with, Saturday I have my first Southern Living party, and Sunday is Taydem's 2nd birthday party! We are having family and friends at KidsView (a park here in Longview). Should be a good time!

Last night I heard Taydem crying so as I was getting up to go see what was wrong with her I heard a really loud noise! It scared me to death. Her door was cracked open and she didn't know it and ran right into it. Poor baby! It slammed shut and then she started crying even louder! She's been doing really well in her big girl bed!! But every now and then she wonders out of it and into our room! Then I have to take her back to her bed. It's lovely! haha

Thursday, August 13, 2009

Final pics of house

We have now been living in our new home for a week. It's so nice that I have to pinch myself every day just to make sure I'm awake and it's actually ours! My parents are the best parents any kid could ever ask for. I believe they raised all four of us extremely well while we were kids and us four are still learning from them every day. They are excellent role models, hard workers, the best grand parents and loved by so many. I am very proud to have them as my Momma and Daddy! Leven, Trever, Taydem and I thank them so much for everything that they have done for us in the past 5 months. I wish I could buy them a new car or send them on a wild vacation! But, that ain't happening! We love and thank you both! Here are the last pictures I'm going to post. If you want to see more, then you will have to drop by one day! We would love to have you!
So now that our lives are back to normal, it's time to start getting back in the zone! Leven has his first volleyball tournament this weekend while Trever has his first football scrimmage in HIGH SCHOOL! Can y'all believe he's in HIGH SCHOOL??????????? Crazy, huh? He's playing 1st string center for now. He says he's the still the smallest one in the huddle. I joined the church choir last night, so I will now have a responsibility to get to choir practice every Wednesday night and church on Sunday mornings. Taydem turns 2 next Saturday! Yes, I said 2! She's so happy and has a huge personality. I guess that was going to come easy....look at her momma and daddy! haha!

Tuesday, August 11, 2009

It's a new year

I know this probably isn't that weird to you guys, but I've now been back in Longview for a year now and I've been blogging on this thing for a year! I seriously can't believe that! I'm proud of myself keeping up with the blogging world and hope to continue as long as I can.

When Leven and I first moved here I really thought a D-I-V-O-R-C-E was about to take place between the two of us. It was extrememly hard on the both of us. Leven was adjusting to the new job, town, people and I was searching for a new job and Taydem a daycare! Trever left all his friends in Mexia and was worried he wouldn't fit in here. We were living with my sister (that actually turned out ok!) and driving an hour every day to work (which we really got spoiled in Mexia with the driving situation) and gas was not cheap when we first got here. We were also trying to sell our home in Mexia (that we had just bought 2 months earlier) and trying to decide if we were going to buy or build a home here. We prayed and prayed and I'm sure every one else prayed and prayed for it to get better for us. In the end:
- We sold our home in Mexia
- Leven's team tied for 1st in district and he was awarded "East Texas Coach of the Year"
- Taydem LOVES her daycare
- I found a job with wonderful people
- Gas went down
- Trever has made tons of new friends really likes it here
- We just BUILT our first home together with the help of my parents!

All of this within ONE YEAR! I'm glad Leven and I toughed it out. It probably made our relationship stronger. I still have to put up with his negativity and griping at times and he has to put up with my wining and bossing him around! Ain't life grand!

Monday, August 10, 2009

Getting back to normal

We are finally MOVED in to the new house! We got our permit last Friday so that was a breath of fresh air. My cousin Whitney came over and helped me unload more boxes and get stuff placed around the house. Thanks to her and her hubby and two girls! They played with Taydem the whole time. We got the last of our furniture in today so I'm anxious to go home and rip up all the boxes. I want so bad to get everything where it needs to be, but for one I don't have the money and second I don't have the time! So gradually I will get buy new decor and get the house looking sassy!

Leven's season starts tomorrow night and he's already losing weight! He always gets so stressed when volleyball starts. It wears me out! He just wants to do well and not fail! He's such a good mentor and coach that I don't ever see him failing!

Wednesday, August 5, 2009

Southern Living for SALE!

My friend Lacey has been selling Southern Living at Home for 6 years now and has really enjoyed it. She asked me a couple of years ago if I wanted to start selling to make some extra cash. At the time I was in Mexia with a new baby and thought that wasn't too smart. So now when I'm hurting for extra cash I get an email out of the blue from Lacey asking me if I wanted to try to start selling now. I jumped all over the offer! I'm so excited about it. Plus I will now have some extra decor to fix up our new home. There's tons of "extras" when it comes to selling and hosting a party. If you would like to host a party, please give me a call. Us ladies need more of a hobby anyways. Our men play cards, golf, fish, hunt, blah blah blah so what better way to have a Southern Living Party with all your girl friends and do what we do best: gossip, have a few drinks, and SHOP! And you can do it all at your own home! When you host a party there are several ways to earn incrediable discounts and even FREE stuff. It all depends on how much your friends are willing to spend. I have my first party in a few weeks with Gail (lady I work with) and her friends. She's throwing a swimming party! Fun, fun! Then I will host my own party at my new house with family and friends! So please keep me in mind.....

Monday, August 3, 2009

Moving on up...

We have started our big move and it feels so good. We have gotten all of our bedroom furniture in (minus the mattresses) and put together. We are hoping to get the mattresses in this afternoon and maybe we could sleep there tonight. The painters are finishing up today and a little more odds and ins should be getting complete. We are trying to move around all that. Leven started 2-a-days this morning so he won't be finished everyday until after 6. (I can't believe we have been hear a year now! What a great year we had!) I will do what I can after work until he can come over to help me out.

This past weekend we went to another amazing wedding! I love weddings and almost every one of them I get all emotional. Trevor Strong and Miki McGaughey (Neal McCoy's daughter) were married on Saturday at the Union Station in Dallas. It was beautiful! Taydem was the life of the party on the dancefloor....the whole night! I couldn't get her off! Everyone was taking pictures with her and wanting to hold her and dance. But she wanted to be on the ground shaking her boodie! She was a DOLL!