Monday, February 29, 2016

February 29th!

This weather is crazy.  We didn't really have a winter at all this year.  I'm so ready to start working in my flowerbeds, but I'm afraid the minute I do, a cold front will blow through.  So I will continue loving this weather and patiently wait another month before flowerbed time. 
 Saturday was just beautiful.  Danin and I had to run a few errands in Longview so we took our crazy 4.  Yes...crazy.  I will NOT bring Tenlee into another clothing store until she's like 5!! Her and Baylee were running around like they owned the place.  Grabbing anything and everything they could get their hands on.  Tenlee is at the stage where she has learned to run from me.  Good gosh! So thankful for my Taydem! Before we headed home, we stopped by a new sonic that has a nice sand volleyball court and playground area.  At their ages, they aren't afraid of anything.  Tenlee tries to climb anything in front of her.  And I was pretty impressed with her skills.  They had fun and I had to get on to a group of OLDER kids horseplaying! They almost knocked me down and then like 10 seconds later they were pushing each other too close to the girls.  Uh...get away!

My volleyball team played so good yesterday! We beat both of the teams we played.  Every time I see them they are improving more and more.  I have one more month with them.  I seriously can't believe it's almost over.  We started practice at the beginning of December!!!
Fun fun group!

The Anthony family got THE postcard from Family Feud! Exciting, but we STILL aren't guaranteed  being flown to Atlanta for a taping.  The post card reads:

"Congratulations! Your family has been selected as POTENTIAL contestants for Family Feud.  You are now in our active file and we MAY contact you for a taping.  Receiving this postcard does NOT guarantee you an appearance on the show......."

But we are that much closer, right? I will keep you posted....

Friday, February 26, 2016

Oh Heavenly Day

I had the honor of singing in my cousin's wedding back in October.  The wedding was sooooooo beautiful AND fun, let me add! I always get nervous anytime I sing, but weddings....let me tell you---stomach hurts, palms sweaty, heart racing, kind of nervous for weddings.  No way do I want to mess up! Carl (my talented guitar guy, who is also my other cousin's husband) and I practiced several times before the actual wedding. We both wanted to get it down before we got up in front of folks.  The preacher came to us before the ceremony to explain at what point we were to get up and start playing.  Well, during the wedding, that point came AND went! Yikes....he totally forgot.  I'm staring at my Aunt, staring at Carl, staring back at my Aunt and thought we will just go with it. Then there was a little break as though the preacher quickly remembered and finished what he as saying and nodded his head at me with a big smile.  Of course none of the guests even realized this so it was all good.  My sister took this video while I was singing.  I never even knew she did this.  About a month ago, I was looking through her pictures on her phone and saw it.

I'm so glad Channing picked this song.  It's one of my favorites.  And look at how beautiful Channing is AND my other two cousins and my smokin hot Aunt!!

This last picture is the best!!

Thursday, February 25, 2016


Gross pictures below-----BEWARE!
(and don't say I didn't worn you!)
Have you ever had an ingrown toenail? Or maybe have known someone who has?
Well, after reading this you will know someone. ME! 
The first really bad one I got, I was playing volleyball in college my sophomore year and it was a killer! I couldn't walk/run and def not play any volleyball.  I was determine to yank that sucker out....and I did! It healed up just fine but I have continued to get them on and off for uh...16 years.  I can usually tell when one is coming on and I immediately take care of it.  But let me tell you, last week I felt the pain start and this thing was NOT coming out! I had finally had enough and called my friend and neighbor, BreAnn, whom is also a Nurse Practitoner (go see her in Hallsville!) .  I set up the appointment this morning and let her do her thing! She texted me later and said I know that wasn't fun for you but it was fun for her! Now that's the kind of doctor you want working on you!
An ingrown toenail is a stupid kind of pain. Seriously....I have given birth to two baby's now but this scares me just as bad.  Something about getting a shot(s) in your big toe just doesn't seem right! Thank goodness Bre gave me LOTS OF SHOTS and my toe was nummmmmmmbbbbbbb.  I never felt a thing as she dug the corner of my toenail out and {BOOM} there it was! Good was bigger than I had imagined.  There was NO WAY I was getting that out myself.  I'm so glad I went to her.  So as of now, my toe is wrapped up and the numbness is starting to go away.  Uh oh...I'm pretty sure my toe is going to be hurting the next few days. 
This is all gross, right?  Just slap gross!
Before you look at these pictures, excuse a couple of things:
1. My toenail polish looks BAD---don't judge!
2. The red bump on my toe is a blister of some sort (what else can go wrong?)
Be sure and zoom in on the picture with the blue gloves.  The bottom corner shows the nail that was killing me and my big toe.  Again, stupid pain!
Glad it's over with.....
(You all may think differently of me now, but life isn't always rainbows and butterflies.  Every now and then you have some crappy stuff like this!)  

Oh and BTW---I don't like feet. 

Wednesday, February 24, 2016

Family Feud

My family tried out for the game show FAMILY FEUD back on February 13th down in Houston.  The 5 of us that went were Me, Danin, Darin, Chrissy and Molly.  Chrissy saw that they were coming to Houston and mentioned it to all of us.  So we decided on which 5 would like to go (and be good at it!) and then we jumped on it.  I created a video with pictures of us and everyone sent me a short video of themselves.  I put it all together and sent it in to the show.  The next day we got an email asking us to send them one of our contact information along with what day and time we can be at the tryouts in Houston! That first email had us freaking out.  {I'm sure anyone who sent in a video got a tryout---but still, we were pumped!} So we made the 4 hour drive to Houston that morning, stopped for lunch and then headed to the downtown area.  Once we got there we were put in a room (1 of 4) with about 300 other people.  The casting director got up and introduced herself and told us how this tryout was going to work. 

Here's what we got out of it: be loud, have fun, be good at the game, high-five/jump up and down/hug each other as often as possible, be positive towards one another, and if you feel stupid then you are doing it all right!! So we thought "WE GOT THIS!".  Thank goodness we weren't first.  I felt so sorry for those two families.  They were the guinea pigs for sure. After about 10 families going (we critique them all while sitting there.  "No don't do that, ooooo they are good, let's don't forget that, etc") the Anthony family was called up on deck! We seriously jumped up and screamed like we just won the lottery.  Well Darin didn't.  He stayed seated and told the lady next to him he was our driver, bahahah! We moved up front ready for our turn. 

Anthony family you are up! So we lined up and the captain (ME!) had to introduce everyone to get us started.  I have gotten use to stanging up and talking in front of people so I knew what I was going to say and just did it. Loud and Proud! Then it was time for me and their captain to start off the game.  Of course Steve Harvey wasn't there (Duh!) so another lady was calling out the questions {would love her job btw}.  We had no board to go off of so we had to listen closely.

"100 people surveyed-top 7 answers on the board" 

"What are eskimos known for?" I hit that buzzer fast and hard and yelled "IGLOOS!!!" #1 answer so now it's my family's turn.  Chrissy was next and she said "kisses!" (how perfect was that answer?) Ding ding ding, it was up there.  Now on to Darin.....Darin....let's go Darin...?? He had that OMG look on his face. (He says he never heard the question and he was trying to go off of what me and Chrissy said.  He heard Igloos and all he could think about was someting to do with SNOW!! BUT, the casting director said NEVER to say "I don't know" or just flat out don't give an answer.) So with a lot of confidence Darin gave the answer, "Building a snowman!!"  Seriously I almost died out laughing.  It was the funniest thing coming from him.  Eskimos are known for building snowmen?? bahahaha! Big X, wasn't up there.  Now it's Molly's turn---she said FISHING! Yes, up there.  On to Danin.  OMG, I got really nervous for her for about 3 seconds.  She couldn't think so she asked the lady to repeat the question (smart Danin smart!).  Which the lady did and then Danin said, "their big jackets??" Yes, it was up there (parkas)!!! So then it was back to me.  With Danin's help that made me think of those big jackets having fur around the hoods so I yelled out, "HUNTING!" Yes, it was up there.  Chrissy's next answer was "THEY ARE FROM ALASKA?" Nope, second X.  Darin was ready to finally jump on board since he now realized we were talking about Eskimos and he yelled out, "DOG SLEEDING!" Yes-up there! So now all we needed was one more answer to clear the board and we had 2 X's.  Molly's turn....she was thinking, thinking, thinking and with tons of confidence said, "ROASTING MARSHMELLOWS!!" Everyone in the audience laughed and it was really a perfect, wrong, answer! We talked about this the entire 4 hour drive home. Cracking up!!

After we finished (we totally kicked butt!), the casting director walked up to me with our audition papers in hand and gave them to me and told us to go back to where we signed in. Uh---ok! I thought maybe she had been doing this to everyone....but NOPE! We were on to the next round.  That was the biggest high for all of us.  We kept saying how nervous we all were doing that.  Fun! The next round we got to go into a room, as a family, and get interviewed a little more with 2 producers.  The lady said they would send our video on to the producers in California.  They would then pick 200 families to be in their "active file."  If you are in the "active file" you have a good chance of being flown to Atlanta, Georgia for a taping of the show!

Well----we got another email Sunday night letting us know we are included in their "active file!"  We are already deciding on how to split the money!!! haha.  But in all seriousness, we haven't been chosen YET! We will wait until we get another email or call letting us know a YES or a NO!
But, we are being positive and can't decide on what we are wearing!!!!

Family Feud continued.....................

Tuesday, February 23, 2016

Let me try this again....

I have been absent from this blog for a really long time now (Fall 2015 to be exact!).  I got so busy with work, family, etc I just couldn't keep up.  So starting today, I'm going to try my best to get back in the swing of things.

First let me give you a run down on the Barker's:

Leven finished out his volleyball season in November.  He lost in the 3rd round of playoffs.  BUT GUESS WHAT? He only lost 2 players! So everyone is coming back and will be ready to go come August.  If he's ever (EVER) going to make it to state, these girls will help him get there.  Leven has started poker night at our house usually about 2 nights per month.  They try and do it every other Wednesday and I've found out that there's several men a lot like Leven---they love Texas Hold'em! They go in the gameroom and only come out a couple of times.  They don't bother me and it keeps Leven entertained! Win/win!

Trever is doing his best out in Lubbock.  He continues to amaze me.  He waits tables, study's all hours of the night and some how manages to workout at the gym! The only way I can some how keep up with him is through SnapChat.  He needs to intern this summer so right now that's what we are busy trying to do----find him a job!

Taydem is seriously the best daughter.  She helps me with whatever I ask her to do.  She has made all A's so far this year and is just very responsible for an 8 year old.  Tenlee adores her!  Taydem is super competitive and I only pray she continues to be, especially for sports.  She is Trever MADE OVER! She's getting better and better in her tumbling class and she's attached at the hip to her best friend, Julia. 

Tenlee Rose is so dang funny.  It's crazy how a little toddler that doesn't speak that well can make us laugh.  Her expresssions are priceless.  She communicates pretty well and understands it all! I'm in shock that she turns 2 next month.  TWO!!! She started sleeping with Taydem back around December and it's the sweetest thing.  I love going and waking them up in the morning and they are all tangled up with each other.  I hope Taydem allows this for a few more years.  She does not like that crib anymore so I guess I can break it down soon. 

I am in the middle of coaching club volleyball (surprise? Not really...).  This is my 8th year to coach club and I still really enjoy it.  It's like my thing.  Everybody should have "a thing" they enjoy doing.  Leven's thing is poker. Love this team of girls.  All different in their own way.  I also sold my Yukon (like, last week!).  I sold that thing in a day (still in shock over that).  I didn't even know what kind of car I wanted. I borrowed my grandmother's car for 2 days until I found something.  I had tears letting that Yukon go.  Leven bought me that car when Taydem was a baby.  It was my dream car and I loved it.  It was such a good family car for us.  But it started getting more and more miles on it and I was just afraid it wasn't going to last me much longer.  So it needed to go! I bought a Hyundai Sonata and I love this car.  It's a limited edition so it's loaded down with all the fun technology and gadgets.  Which I LOVE! I just haven't driven a car in 8 years so I'm having to get used to riding low to the ground. 

Well that was a quick wrap up. Here's a few pictues as well-----