Wednesday, April 24, 2013

This weather is crazy. We go several days with warm weather and then out of no where a cold front blows in. I'm not complaining one bit- just crazy Texas for ya! Every now and then we let Taydem sleep at the foot of our bed on the floor. She loves that dang floor. Last night she woke up and forgot where she was a walked right into the wall!! It scared me death! But she and I laughed about it this morning. Check out her kindergarten picture. So big (tear)!

She doesn't really know it yet, but we are going to keep her in Kindergarten for another year. We just feel in the long run its what is best for her. She's only 5 and doesn't turn 6 until late August. So she will be the oldest of her class instead of the youngest.

These are my sweet baby nieces. Love them to pieces!

Austyn was praying right here! Adorable!

Tyler is a mess (so her Mamma says!) I think she's a doll

And sweet Brittyn. Growing up right before our eyes!

And these are my two older nieces. And they are just as sweet!

Misti is in college

Macy is a sophomore in high school
- Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone

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