Monday, April 29, 2013


I have been selling quite a lot of stuff through Facebook. There are these Longview On-Line Garage sells set up. You post a pic of something you want to sell, add a description and hope someone wants it. It's been great. I think I've sold about $200 in 2 weeks. Great extra cash flow!

Last night I took my friend Carla to watch Jewel sing in concert! Wow. She really impressed me. The lady can sing, play guitar and is an excellent song writer. I truly enjoyed myself and my company! Leven surprised me with those tickets for Valentines this year. I was shocked and excited!

Today is my beautiful nephews birthday! Happy 5th to Tucker Douglas. Taydem says he is one of her favorites cousins!

Tonight the baseball boys will play a tie breaker game against Hallsville. They are tied for district champs but tonight the playoff game will decide who goes 1st and 2nd.

Have a wonderful week!
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Wednesday, April 24, 2013

This weather is crazy. We go several days with warm weather and then out of no where a cold front blows in. I'm not complaining one bit- just crazy Texas for ya! Every now and then we let Taydem sleep at the foot of our bed on the floor. She loves that dang floor. Last night she woke up and forgot where she was a walked right into the wall!! It scared me death! But she and I laughed about it this morning. Check out her kindergarten picture. So big (tear)!

She doesn't really know it yet, but we are going to keep her in Kindergarten for another year. We just feel in the long run its what is best for her. She's only 5 and doesn't turn 6 until late August. So she will be the oldest of her class instead of the youngest.

These are my sweet baby nieces. Love them to pieces!

Austyn was praying right here! Adorable!

Tyler is a mess (so her Mamma says!) I think she's a doll

And sweet Brittyn. Growing up right before our eyes!

And these are my two older nieces. And they are just as sweet!

Misti is in college

Macy is a sophomore in high school
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Monday, April 22, 2013

Flowers and showers

Trever's senior night for baseball was this past Friday. There are 8 seniors on this team and are all super close to each other. Right now the team is sitting in first place and will for sure go on to playoffs! Love watching them play!

Friday night, Taydem and I spent the night with Danin bc we had three showers to head to on Saturday! Yes, three! It's just that time of year. Weddings and babies. So of course Austyn also came over to spend the night! They love each other!!

Sunday afternoon I took Taydem to the park and some of her little friends joined us. So fun! Plus the weather was awesome!

I will end this blog with this picture of Leven. One of his track girls snapped a picture of him sleeping on the bus! So funny!!

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Thursday, April 18, 2013

Praying for West, Tx

Leven and I started seeing different posts on Facebook from our Mexia friends asking each other what that big boom was.  So we knew right away something was up (thanks facebook!).  The "boom" was more than a "boom!" It was a diaster that hit that small town in Central Texas. A fertilizer plant exploded and up to 80 miles away felt the explosion.  It broke my heart.  I couldn't go to sleep last night because I wanted to keep watching the news and hearing all the people that were calling in.  Saddens me.  This past week has just been horrible.  The town of Mexia has lost several people this past week and we all know about Boston.  Why is our country filled with so much darkness right now? So much evil? I sit and think about this all the time.  I pray.

Taking guns away from us is NOT going to change this situation.  America (White House) please wake up!! We NEED to put God back in our lives! There are millions of people in this world that do not have Jesus Christ in their lives.  Think about years ago, none of these problems were going on.  It breaks my heart to wonder how this world will be for my grandkids and great grandkids.  Evil is everywhere.  Satan is everywhere! I promise this,  if everyone had Jesus in their heart, there wouldn't be such craziness.  I pray.

I pray for West, Texas.  I pray for Boston and the innocent victims there to cheer on their family and friends as they watch them cross that finish line.  I pray for my family and my friends.  I pray for our schools/teachers and I pray for our leaders.  I pray that one day our leaders will wake up and see this country needs a real change. 

If you don't know Jesus Christ as your Lord and Savior, please take a few more minutes and say the prayer below:

Dear God in heaven, I come to you in the name of Jesus. I acknowledge to You that I am a sinner, and I am sorry for my sins and the life that I have lived; I need your forgiveness.

I believe that your only begotten Son Jesus Christ shed His precious blood on the cross at Calvary and died for my sins, and I am now willing to turn from my sin.

You said in Your Holy Word, Romans 10:9 that if we confess the Lord our God and believe in our hearts that God raised Jesus from the dead, we shall be saved.

Right now I confess Jesus as the Lord of my soul. With my heart, I believe that God raised Jesus from the dead. This very moment I accept Jesus Christ as my own personal Savior and according to His Word, right now I am saved.

Thank you Jesus for your unlimited grace which has saved me from my sins. I thank you Jesus that your grace never leads to license, but rather it always leads to repentance. Therefore Lord Jesus transform my life so that I may bring glory and honor to you alone and not to myself.

Thank you Jesus for dying for me and giving me eternal life.


John 14:6

6 Jesus saith unto him, I am the way, the truth, and the life: no man cometh unto the Father, but by me.

I love you all
My heart is heavy. ♥♥♥

Wednesday, April 17, 2013


Nuff said!

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Tuesday, April 16, 2013


Wonderful weekend spent in Mexia.  While the Master's were going on in Georgia, we were also playing a little golf.  Leven lost a really good coaching buddy several years ago to cancer and they started a golf benefit tournament in honor of him.  And every year Leven has sponsored a hole and played in the tournament.  I have never been able to go because I had a volleyball tournament going on the same weekend.  I was so happy that I was able to make it this year! Our friends Steve and Lucas joined us and Leven's dad, Louie. We had a great time and the weather was unbelievable. Just perfect for golf.

And while we were having a ball playing golf, Taydem was having a large time with her Grans and Mike.  Poor things, I know she wore them out, but she loved every minute of spending time with them. Here's a few pictures Ann took of Taydem!

One thing I miss about Mexia are the blue bonnets! East Texas doesn't get blue bonnets and Mexia has them everywhere.  So of course I made Leven pull over on the side of the road so Taydem and I could have a quick photoshoot!

Trever's baseball team had an exciting game last Friday.  I had to miss it because Taydem wasn't feeling good.  Pine Tree was down 7-4 in the last inning with 2 outs.  And we came back and won 9-7.  It just shows that "it ain't over til it's over!" They are tied for first as of now. 

Tuesday, April 9, 2013


Last night Trever was recognized at the Region 7 Academic Banquet held at Whitehouse High School.  He was there representing Pine Tree as the outstanding senior for the Class of 2013.  Trever's mom and Leven, Taydem and I joined him for this banquet. Two of the high school principals also came.  Such a huge honor.  Trever doesn't give himself enough credit.  He is super smart and if he only applied himself more, there's no telling how smart he could really be. All the high schools around this area nominated seniors and then their teachers all voted for the outstanding one choosen! He was awarded with a nice plaque and we had BBQ for dinner. He makes us proud.  We were all smiling ear to ear and even brought a few tears to our eyes.  Between Virginia, Leven and I...we have made a pretty good team raising this boy.  And of course all of our family and friends that have helped a long the way. 

Monday, April 8, 2013

Looking Sharp

Trever looked so handsome Sarurday night all dressed up for his senior prom. His girlfriend was by far, the prettiest girl! Trever said he was proud and his face sure showed it. I don't think he ever stopped smiling. Leven worked the AfterProm and was a dealer for their casino night theme. They had a good time. Trever was so happy that his mother was there to help him get ready and be there for pictures!
Here are just a few pictures we took:

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Friday, April 5, 2013

Baby fever??

Last night Leven and Trever stuffed graduation annoucements in envelopes while Taydem and I licked and sealed.  It's getting real folks. 
For Trever's Choir Pop concert this year, the seniors will be recognized and we needed to send in 5 pictures for the slideshow.  So we started looking through some of Trever's baby pictures and come upon this one:
This pictures makes me laugh for two reasons:
(1) He is sooo young and thin!
(2) He looks slap worn out!
So we ended up choosing these 5 pictures:

So after looking at all those baby pictures started making me have baby fever a little more! We can just have our kids all spread out! I don't want Taydem growing up alone.  I love my sister and brothers more than anything and I feel she deserves to have another sibling.  Trever is almost out of the house and will always be close to Taydem, but he's all grown up! Now, I just need to convince Leven that this is a good idea!!

We have such a busy weekend planned.  Well to be honest, from now until Trever's graduation we are swamped.  But we will soak up every second left we have with him.  I came home the other day from work and walked in the laundry room and seriously there was the biggest pile of clothes laying by the wash machine.  All Trever's! I thought to myself, I will miss Trever....but NO WAY will I miss washing his clothes! Geez. I will be more than happy to wash his clothes on the weekends when he comes home from college though!

I will leave you with this sweet picture of Taydem and I just a few days after she was born.  She was such a precious blessing!