Thursday, February 28, 2013


Trever has finally gotten his new truck. Leven has been searching for the perfect truck for over 6 months now. We thought we were going to get him a used truck, maybe a 2012 with less than 10,000 miles on it. But we ended up getting him a brand new 2013!! After his game Tuesday night, Leven asked Trever if he needed Levens truck key to take his girlfriend home. Trever said yes, and Leven handed him his new truck keys! I wish you could have seen the look on his face. Priceless. I thought at one point he might cry. He LOVES it! So do we! It's perfect for him.

This time next Thursday, Danin and I will be on a plane to New York City!!

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Monday, February 25, 2013

I had a good weekend. Spent the majority of it watching Trever play some baseball. Saturday night I had to Shreveport with some friends. Everyone else had their spouse with them but I went solo. Leven had a track meet all day Saturday and then watched Trever play that night. I had a blast! We ate at Superior Bar and Grill (the usual!) and then headed to the boats.

Sunday I had volleyball practice and then spent some time with Taydem outside. We got her baseball bat and tee and let her take a few swings. And of course she's a natural!

Happy Monday! I hope your week is wonderful!
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Friday, February 22, 2013

Baseball is underway! Trever and his baseball team played this past Monday night and stomped Kilgore 11-1!! I'm so excited for this team. When we first moved to Longview, Trever and the other 7 seniors were all on the same summer Dixie League All-Star team as 8th graders. Leven was their coach and they made it all the way to state. They have been playing together for 5 years and this year is the year they've been working hard for. We have three new baseball coaches and they bring so much energy and baseball knowledge! They are playing today at 10:00 and tonight at 7:00 in the baseball tournament Pine Tree is hosting.

I'm gonna leave you with a little quote from Ms. Monroe. It's one of my favorites and is so true.

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Tuesday, February 19, 2013

Candy Crush

My recent obsession is Candy Crush. Have you heard of it? Or are you like me already addicted?  It's a game app on your iphone/ipad and you advance to a new level after each round you beat.  Well, I'm on level 154! Ca-RAZY, I know.  My brothers, sister and my sisters-in-law are also very addicted.  It's pretty neat because you can log on the game with your Facebook account and you can then see all your friends on the game board and see what level they are on.  I'm such a competitive person, I'm determined to not let anyone catch me.  Don't download....I'm warning you.

This past weekend my volleyball team played up in Plano and did a really outstanding job.  We ended up 3rd out of 12 teams.  So much better than the past tournaments! That night we headed to McKiney to stay with our friends and to see their precious and beautiful new baby girl! I had to get my baby fix on.  I think I held her the entire time I was there.  Just so sweet!!

This is what Taydem does at the volleyball tournaments! She gets someone's phone and gets after it!

Sunday morning we headed home and that afternoon I spent almost 3 hours cleaning out our flower beds.  I was going to pay someone to do it, but that day was beautiful and I just had to make myself get out there and work.  After 4 big trash bags full and my entire body hurting, my flower beds looked a million times better. 

Happy 8th birthday to my handsome nephew, Truitt!!

Friday, February 15, 2013

Easter candy is by far my most favorite holiday! Simply because of the Starburst and Lifesaver jelly beans! Holy moly! I saw them last night at CVS and grabbed one of each. But this year they have a bag with just red and pink jellybeans! My two favorite colors. Last year I probably bought 20 bags all together. I stock up because they are only out at Easter time! See, I've already packed a little baggy for work today!

Taydem is my most precious Valentine! Love this little smiling girl!

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Thursday, February 14, 2013

Day of L-O-V-E

Happy Valentine's Day!


I hope everyone woke up on the right side of the bed this morning. I know Taydem did! She has been waiting all week for Valentine's Day.  I bought her a new pair of shoes and I bought Trever and new Southern Tide shirt.  I have been slipping from high school fashion lately.  Have you ever heard Southern Tide? Leven bought me two tickets to see Jewel in concert.  Can you believe it? For once, he actually put some thought into a gift for me! I was completely shocked and excited about it.  She's coming to the Belcher Center here in Longview and it's just her and the guitar. Pumped.  My gift to Leven was a process this year.  A bunch of us girls got together and did a photo shoot for our men.  The big thing right now are Boudoir photoshoots.  Have you ever heard of them? I was a little unsure about it at first, but I thought, why not?  I'm not going to be young forever and these pictures will only be for Leven to see! They are just "sexy" pictures of yourself wearing whatever you think your man would like to see you wear.  I don't do "sexy" very well.  I smile way to much.  So me trying to be sexy was actually quite entertaining.  I think most of us felt that way.  But seriously we had the best time together.  We laughed and laughed.  The photographer did a good job.  She edited very good!! No stretch marks, love handles, baby pooches, etc! We each got about 13 pictures and I put those 13 pictures and my favorite pictures of Leven and I in a photobook! He was super surprised and loved it! Score....! Here's a little sneak peek of one of my pictures!

Also, one of my volleyball players surprised me last night at practice with some CANDY!! So sweet!









Wednesday, February 13, 2013

Hit that

This past Saturday (and it was a COLD Saturday) the Pine Tree baseball team put on a home run derby fundraiser.  This was the first year doing this and I was really surprised at how many people came out.  Especially being how cold it was.  So you paid $10 for 10 swings and you could pay up to however many swings you wanted to take.  I was so proud of my dad! He's still got it.  He made contact with the ball every swing and even hit some bullets out in the outfield.  Not too bad for a 65 year old.  I think he wanted to prove to himself that he could still hit a baseball! And he did.  Leven also took a few swings and made contact every time.  He had some really hard shots, but I honestly think my Dad hit some further! ha Overall it was a great day.  My cousin Chase and two of his friends came out as well.  Chase did awesome! He actually hit about 5 to the outfield wall and he finally hit one over! So happy to see him swinging a bat again.  

Last Friday was Senior Night for Trever and his basketball team.  This is a picture of his coach and him.  Trever has really enjoyed having this coach these past few years.  It was a special moment for the two of them.  I'm glad I captured it.  Trever honored his mom, his dad and myself on Senior night.  He wrote us all the sweetest letter EVER! It brought tears to my eyes reading it and it's a letter I will always cherish. Graduation is getting here to quickly for all of us.  Oh, and they won this game! Trever played his little heart out.  I think he scored 12 points total. 

Happy Wednesday! Tomorrow is Valentine's Day.  Don't forget!

Tuesday, February 12, 2013

Feed my Soul

Music has always been a huge part of my life, always.  I sang my first solo in 2nd grade along side my dad at a church production. I was scared to death. I can remember it like it was yesterday.  I did pretty good considering I was only 8, plus I was  pretty cute back then! After that solo I couldn't tell you how many times I have sang in front of people. During school I was in choir, Primary School through High School, and sang in every talent show/spring show there ever was. I also sang in my youth church choir.  My solo (that I sang ALL the time) was Oh Happy Day!  During my youth choir days I had the joy of singing in front of people in Hawaii, Seattle and Boston! Memories..... Then I was blessed enough to have the first two years of my college paid for with a choir scholarship.  I didn't really enjoy this as much and only did it my freshmen year, but still got my school paid for! 

I have sung in several weddings and recently sang at my first funeral. Weddings and funerals are by far the most nerve racking.  This is such a special day and messing up would not be a good thing.  I am now in the adult choir at Mobberly Baptist Church and I get to sing in front of people all the time.  I love every minute of it.  This past Sunday I sang a new song.  Hopefully it will be on YouTube soon.  Then I can share it with you all.  Click on the links below and you can see a couple videos with me singing.

So now that we are talking music, did you watch the Grammy Awards this past Sunday night? Of course I did! I actually loved every bit of the Grammy's this year.  I usually don't have a clue who half the people are that sing, but this year I did.  Except The Black Keys, I'm not really sure about this band.  Kelly Clarkson blew it out of the park! I love her and her voice.  She's always been my favorite American Idol. And the two songs she sang that night were AMAZING! I also love The Lumineers and their song, Ho Hey! One of the final songs of that night was a group of people singing a tribute song to the band, The Band, and one of their more famous songs,  The Weight. I have always liked this song, but never knew the story behind the song.  Pretty neat, check out the history:

It's a very rainy day here in East Texas.  My sister and I are counting down the days for our New York City trip.  My friend we are staying with has a blog of her own.  You NEED to start reading her blog.  She is super talented and I love reading about her life as an actress on broadway.

Thursday, February 7, 2013

Artist to be

Taydem is a pretty good artist. She brought this picture home from school yesterday! And I love it!! So cute

This past weekend was busy. My moms birthday was on Sunday so we took her to dinner in the motorhome at 4 Winds restaurant in Wills Point Saturday night. It was over an hour drive so all 13 of us road on the motorhome together while dad drove! If you have never eaten there, its a must. The steaks are to die for!

My niece's 1st birthday was after church on Sunday and then we headed to my parents to watch the Super Bowl. Since my parents have remodeled their house, we love going over there. They have a HUGE flat screen with surround sound. My dad loves it!

Trever visited Eastfield college yesterday up around Dallas. He got to workout with their baseball team and really enjoyed it. The will try and catch some of his baseball games this Spring. Senior night is tomorrow night for Trevers basketball team. From now until he graduates its not going to be easy, especially for Leven. We are looking now for Trever a new truck!! And he has a girlfriend, but I try not to ask too many questions :) !!

I'm singing this Sunday at church. It's a new song I've never done before. Last night during rehearsal I probably messed up 5 times. I couldn't figure out when to come in. Geez!! I was a little embarrassed! In front of all 100+ choir members. Oh well! Pray for me for Sunday!

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