Thursday, December 1, 2011

Happy December 1st

Yes, you have probably heard this at least once already today....But I can't believe it's already December. The older we get the faster time flies by. I hate it! Christmas shopping is already in order and I'm hoping to receive several packages in the mail in the next week. I have done a lot of online shopping so far this year. Makes it so much easier.

Leven leaves today for the annual hunting trip with my brothers and my brother in law. I'm not so sure how much hunting actually takes place, but they have a good time with each other. Leven needs a break from work so I know he's excited!

Trever is on the Varsity basketball team this year. They aren't very good and it kills Trever. He loves this sport and just wants to do well all the time.  He is starting to become a chick magnet I'm afraid. He gets cuter and cuter as the days pass on and is just a great guy. Girls at this age don't see how good of a person he is just yet. Give them all about 5 years and they will slap themselves for not giving him any attention.  He will make a really good daddy and hubby for one lucky girl one day.

Taydem is doing great. She is learning so much every day and seriously keeps me laughing. We have a good time together. She is a ball of personality. Tuesday night at Trever's basketball game she danced the entire halftime. We were out of town and everyone that didn't know her thought she was the cutest thing EVER! The announcer kept getting on the mic and saying how cute she was and he hopes someone is videoing her. She is so serious when she dances! Funny stuff. We went to the dentist yesterday. Every doctor has always told me how good of a patient she is. She never cries, never whines! She just sits there and does whatever the doctor tells her too. She may ask a few questions, but that's it.

We took a few pictures the other day (when the wind was blowing like crazy and it was 40 degrees outside!) and I was happy with how they turned out. Of course I had to fight with Leven before even taking the pictures. I swear he complains and gripes about everything!!! Drives me crazy. Can't you just smile and not say a word?? But we managed after I did my gripping! I guess you would never know with all the smiles on our faces! CHEESE

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