Wednesday, December 28, 2011

Another Day, Another Dollar

Christmas is already behind us. And this year was a good year!
 The Barker's are really looking forward to 2012!

First things first...I got a new job! I will start January 4th and I'm really looking forward to it.
More details to come later.

Leven got East Texas Coach of the Year! This is his second time in 4 years to receive this honor.
And he deserves every bit of it. Congrats babe!
Taydem and Trever both had a really good Christmas this year. It's just a good feeling to know that you can provide your kids with nice things. Not only did they receive nice presents from us, but from all our family as well! Here are just a few pictures I took from Christmas morning. I got hooked up this year with not one, but two pair of cowboy boots! Leven told me I'm turning country on him!

Trever finally has his license! What a mess it is now to be able to drive...legally! Thanks to me!! I finally got all the paper work finished, the many hours logged, and he passed the driving test this morning! Yippee! Seems like yesterday I got my license.

This is my last week of work with ESA Consulting. And no one is here. So this makes for a very boring week. I will now be working for C&S Lease and will be doing the same type of environmental work. But this time I'm only working with 2 men for the most part. They both use to work for ESA and they asked me to come aboard with them. I will be doing more "field work" with this company. I want to learn learn learn as much as I can! The company made me an offer I just couldn't turn down. I will miss everyone at ESA, but now I will be able to provide more for my family. AND the hours are still flexible! Wish me luck!

Wednesday, December 21, 2011

Christmas is here, it's everywhere!

Everyone must love Christmas! It's a time of giving. A time with family. And the birth of our Jesus Christ Lord and Savior! One of my favorite things about this time of year is going to the mailbox and getting Christmas cards!! I also enjoy sending our cards to family and friends.
I couldn't get this to rotate!

I took Taydem to Santaland last Friday night to look at all the lights. She's so much fun this year with Christmas. Danin also tagged along with us! I think we only had to wait in line for like 10 minutes. We have heard of horror stories of waiting in line for hours. But it's the perfect thing to do with friends and families. It's $20 per car and you can have up to 15 people in a car. So the majority of the folks were riding in trucks with all the kiddos piled up in the back end with blankets and heavy coats! Cheap entertaiment.
Here are a few pictures I took.

Our Christmas tree is covered with all sorts of ornaments! I love it. I buy Tay and Trever an ornament every year. All the ornaments I grew up with on my parents Christmas tree are now on my tree. She gave them to me once I was married. Here is one that Taydem found and knew right away who it was!!
This picture was taken before Trever's Christmas choir performance!

Monday, December 19, 2011

My Deer Hunter

So Leven went and Leven killed!

I'm glad he's back home! So once again, I will have another deer hanging from my wall.
This makes number 3! I hope after this one, he will cool it for awhile.

I'm finally done with all my shopping! And it feels GOOOOOD!

Friday, December 16, 2011

A Change is a Comin'

Maybe....I will let you know soon!

Leven is away hunting, AGAIN! I hope he gets his 10 point this year. At least I have a busy weekend planned. Tonight Danin, Tay and I are headed to SantaLand! It's about a 45 minute drive to get there, but I know Tay will love it. It's tons and tons and tons of Christmas themed lights. You drive in your car the whole time down a little pathway of row inside all the lights. I have NEVER been. So I'm a little excited myself. Tomorrow I'm getting my hair colored. Its been awhile since the last time I did it, PLUS this past week I found TWO grey hairs. OMG! Then we have a 2 o'clock wedding to attend at our church. Taydem will be my date since Leven is gone. I doubt Trever will want to go.

My dad's Aunt (my papaw's sister) past away this morning on her 92nd birthday. Can you believe that? She past away on her special day. God has away of doing his own thing. So as I speak, my parents are headed to Tennessee to be with the family. 

My nephew Truitt will be baptised this Sunday. It is breaking my parents heart to drive to Tennessee and have to miss this special day for Truitt. I told my mom I would video it on my phone and send it to her.

Christmas is next week...FOLKS! I'm almost done. I'm so excited for 2012! A change is a comin'!

Friday, December 9, 2011

Small town

I graduated with a class of 87. Yes, I come from a small town. Tatum, Texas might have 1600 people in the town. When I was in school we were class 3A. In the past 10 years we have bounced back and forth from 3A to 2A. If you were raised in a small town, then you understand all the "small town" stuff. If you were raised in the suburbs, then you have no idea how exciting it really is to go to a Friday night football game!!! And a PLAYOFF Friday night football game is even better. The Tatum Eagles are playing tonight in the state semi finals against Hempstead. They are playing in Waco which works out perfectly for us since we were already coming to Mexia for the weekend. (Mexia and Waco are about 50 miles from each other ). Over the many years as a school, we have seen many playoff games from both the boys and girls side! AND, we have been successful and won state championships!

I can remember a few years ago Tatum was playing for a state title and so many fans were there supporting them. I was already out of college and actually teaching at Mexia at the time. I remember I actually cried when they won. I didn't know any of the kids playing, but it's just that feeling you get of PRIDE! I am so proud to be an Eagle and will always bleed green and gold (it's actually green and black now, but gold is what I will bleed!!) Let me share some pictures with you of our school:

Remember we are 2A!

Wednesday, December 7, 2011

S'More Bars


Warm Toasted Marshmallow S'more Bars

1 pouch (1 lb 1.5 oz) Betty Crocker® sugar cookie mix
1 cup graham cracker crumbs
1 cup butter or margarine, melted
3 cups milk chocolate chips (18 oz)
4 1/2 cups miniature marshmallows

1. Heat oven to 375°F. In large bowl, stir together cookie mix and crumbs. Stir in melted butter until soft dough forms. Press into ungreased 13x9-inch pan.

2. Bake 18 to 20 minutes or until set. Immediately sprinkle chocolate chips over crust. Let stand 3 to 5 minutes or until chocolate begins to melt. Spread chocolate evenly over crust.

3. Set oven control to broil. Sprinkle marshmallows over melted chocolate. Broil with top 4 to 5 inches from heat 20 to 30 seconds or until marshmallows are toasted. (Watch closely; marshmallows will brown quickly.) Cool 10 minutes. For bars, cut into 6 rows by 4 rows. Serve warm. Store any remaining bars tightly covered.

Tuesday, December 6, 2011

Last night was a surprise

In all the years I have been with Leven, I think I have seen him cry maybe twice. And that was watching a movie or something. He just has a hard time showing his emotional side. I know he has one though. It's one of the many reasons I feel in love with him. 

He has coached for 17 years and not once has he ever gotten emotional at a volleyball banquet. But last night was a first. I think he had everyone in the room in tears. He started off great talking about the season, their record, their accomplishments as a team and then he said the word "seniors." And that's all it took. When we moved to Pine Tree these 5 seniors were skinny, weak, scared freshmen! And to now see them and all they have become makes him a proud coach. He molded these girls into the athletes they are today.

You know when you are so upset you can't even get the words out? Well that's how he was last night. He was so choked up. He kept having to take deep breaths. He was probably saying to himself, "Leven, get it together man!" He loves this group of seniors and all their parents. What a great support system they have all been to us.  He is most proud to say that 4 out of the 5 are playing at the next level and will have their education paid for. And the 5th girl could easily play somewhere as well, but she is choosing not too.
This is what he says makes a successful volleyball season!  
Whitney is in the middle (tall girl) and she is playing at Texas Tech next year. Hannah (far left) hasn't decided yet on which college, but she will play somewhere!
J'Keisha is playing at Panola Junior College next year!
Lauren was the setter and is playing at North Central in Gainsville!

Club volleyball starts off with our first practice tomorrow! I'm ready to get to know my girls and COACH!

Thursday, December 1, 2011

Happy December 1st

Yes, you have probably heard this at least once already today....But I can't believe it's already December. The older we get the faster time flies by. I hate it! Christmas shopping is already in order and I'm hoping to receive several packages in the mail in the next week. I have done a lot of online shopping so far this year. Makes it so much easier.

Leven leaves today for the annual hunting trip with my brothers and my brother in law. I'm not so sure how much hunting actually takes place, but they have a good time with each other. Leven needs a break from work so I know he's excited!

Trever is on the Varsity basketball team this year. They aren't very good and it kills Trever. He loves this sport and just wants to do well all the time.  He is starting to become a chick magnet I'm afraid. He gets cuter and cuter as the days pass on and is just a great guy. Girls at this age don't see how good of a person he is just yet. Give them all about 5 years and they will slap themselves for not giving him any attention.  He will make a really good daddy and hubby for one lucky girl one day.

Taydem is doing great. She is learning so much every day and seriously keeps me laughing. We have a good time together. She is a ball of personality. Tuesday night at Trever's basketball game she danced the entire halftime. We were out of town and everyone that didn't know her thought she was the cutest thing EVER! The announcer kept getting on the mic and saying how cute she was and he hopes someone is videoing her. She is so serious when she dances! Funny stuff. We went to the dentist yesterday. Every doctor has always told me how good of a patient she is. She never cries, never whines! She just sits there and does whatever the doctor tells her too. She may ask a few questions, but that's it.

We took a few pictures the other day (when the wind was blowing like crazy and it was 40 degrees outside!) and I was happy with how they turned out. Of course I had to fight with Leven before even taking the pictures. I swear he complains and gripes about everything!!! Drives me crazy. Can't you just smile and not say a word?? But we managed after I did my gripping! I guess you would never know with all the smiles on our faces! CHEESE