Tuesday, September 13, 2011

-leven's team is now 23-3. they play john tyler tonight. (lady pirates are ranked 15th in the state poll)
-trever is now realizing he has to really step it up this year in school. tough load on him, but he can do it. he just needs to quit playing and get his mind right.
-taydem is WILD. let me repeat...WILD! she doesn't ever slow down. will she ever slow down?? she is also never quiet. she talks more than her daddy and brother put together. and we all know that's A LOT! i told leven last night watching her run around crazy...she is NOT a baby/toddler anymore. she is a little girl with a mind all her own.
-i'm making it =)
-my sister felt her baby girl kick for the first time last night.
-my parents are back from a week long trip to tennessee.

prayers needed: i have never even seen or met this young man, but we need to send him all the prayers he can get.  yesterday during athletics (Trever's class period) they were all in the weight room lifting weights. chris had the bar on his shoulders (w/ weights on the bar) and was stepping up onto a step. not really sure what happened next (knee gave in, ankle gave in, lost his balance, etc) but he fell forward on the ground with the bar still on his shoulders. he went through several surgeries yesterday and he is now paralyzed from waist down. freak accident. pray for his heeling and pain and to give him strength mentally and physically through this tough time. he is a sophomore this year.

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