Friday, September 30, 2011

The Best Night

Well...the night was a huge success and so much fun! Again, thank you to my Mom. Shreveport is the perfect distance for us. It's just long enough in a car that you don't get tired and perfect for the right amount of chatter, gossip and laughter. Especially a car full of women. We laughed and laughed the whole way there about tons of "Jucy" gossip! My life right now is a huge soap opera. Maybe one day I will be able to fill ya'll in. We made our first stop at Superior Bar & Grill. More laughing and stuffing our faces went on there!! Their food is the best!

Then it was off to CenturyTel! The Randy Rogers Band started it off, following Justin Moore. She came out ready to rock. I don't think I ever sat down her entire set. I had a little girl and her mom sitting next to me and the little girl LOVED me. We rocked out together the entire show! She was probably about 7 and was too cute. The Pistol Annies were there and they sang about 5 of their songs. I can't wait to see her in concert again. I tried to get better pictures since we were so close, but I only had my iphone and it just doesn't zoom well. My favorite part of the show is when she sang "The House that Built Me." Most of the song she just let the whole place sing it while she stood there listening. I can only imagine what that must feel like.

And while we were ALL out playing this is what my sweet brother did for Ally Austyn! Her birthday was yesterday. We laughed at this picture bc each kid's personality shows in this picture. Check it out. Austyn is just as serious as always!! We are celebrating her birthday on Sunday!

Thursday, September 29, 2011

It's a Girls Night Out!

"Girls Night" tonight! We are heading to Shreveport and making our first stop at Superior Bar and Grill, then heading to Centurytel for Miranda Lambert! I have loved this lady since first watching her on Nashville Star. Love love her music and  now she has put together a girl group called Pistol Annies! They have been touring with her and doing a little set in the middle of her show. I hope they are there tonight. Thanks to my wonderful MOMMA who got us the tickets. She's the best! This day at work can't hurry up fast enough. I hope to take a few pictures tonight and will post on the blog tomorrow or next week! I'm sure I will get home late, but it will be well worth it.

Leven's team beat Whitehouse Tuesday night in 4 games. It was turning into a nail bitten', hand sweatin, heart poundin' kind of game. But they pulled it off. So exciting. We didn't get home until 11:30 that night. I had to wash my hair (wrong night to wait to do that) and then I waited until Leven got home. I knew he would  be on a high and want to stay up and talk about the game. So I think I ended up in bed at 1:30!!!! They play at home tomorrow against Kilgore. That game should be a "cake walk!" Their record 28-3!!

Tonight while I'm out playing, Leven is taking Trever and Taydem to see The Lion King. As a kid, this was Trever's favorite Disney movie (and he says it still is!). So they are taking Taydem to see it.

Tuesday, September 27, 2011

Telling on myself

Sunday we get home from church and our back door is open! I forgot to shut it when we left 3 hours before...OMG!

Yes, I play. You can't win...unless you play!
 Let's go 96 million.............

We have these moments usually once a week.

Taydem got a good picture of me napping!

Monday, September 26, 2011

Friday was another "W" in the books for the Lady Pirates. They swept Nacogdoches with a huge beaten! Tomorrow will be a big game. They are playing at Whitehouse. Whitehouse is the only other competition in our district besides Hallsville and we are going to their gym. Wish us luck!

Shout out to my brother-in-law for doing well at his fishing tournament this past weekend at Lake Fort! Eric and his partner (fishing partner, ha) ended up 5th place and won around $15,000 in prizes! So, I'm expecting a pretty good birthday present this year. Eric, it's October 9th!!

Shout out to my Momma! She is serious about eating right. In all my 30 years I have never EVER seen her turn away from sweets. And she is doing it now. Go Mom! She got a bad report on her Cholesterol levels and she says it's time to get it under control. And she's lost weight in the process....Proud of her!

This week is super-crazy-hectic busy for me! Let me break it down:
After work today I have a volleyball lesson at 6:00
Tomorrow we will drive to Tyler to watch the Lady Pirates after I get off from work
Wednesday-May have another volleyball lesson after work or going to Austin for my job
Friday-If I don't go to Austin on Wednesday we will go on Friday, then if we get back in time we have a home game against Kilgore. I doubt I will make it!
Saturday: Spray tan at 8:15, work a luncheon at my church from 11:45-1:00. Then get dressed up for the Extravaganza! It's an event to help raise money for the Tatum Education Foundation. Dinner, drinks, dancing, silent/live auction! And it's a night to get all dressed up.
Sunday- Work the nursery at church, then Ally Austyn's 2nd birthday party!

A few pictures of Miss Sassy this weekend!

Friday, September 23, 2011


My new favorite songs out right now:

All Your Life by The Band Perry

"Well, I don't want the whole world
The sun and moon and all their light
I just want to be the only girl,
You love all your life
You love all your life"

Boys From the South- Pistol Annies

"Yea, the first time I felt it I was only 16,
And he kissed me underneath the chinaberry tree.
Said "Goodnight darlin'," with a sweet southern drawl.
Man, I think I might just have to love them all –
My boys from the South."

Takin' Pills-Pistol Annies

"Ya we owe 400 dollars to the boys in the band
Gas lights blinking on our broke down van
We're living on truck stop burgers and fries
Crossing our fingers for a vacancy sign
Now who in the hell is gonna pay these bills
When one's drinking, ones smoking, ones taking pills"

I hope you all have a blessed weekend. Fall is approaching upon us...slowly, but it's getting here.
 I think this weekend I will get out all my Fall decor!
Thank goodness it's a Friday. Let's dance!


Thursday, September 22, 2011

TV Fall shows are here. We watched The X Factor last night. I love reality and any kind of competition show . So far it's a lot like Idol. I'm sure I will continue watching it. I also started watching Revenge on ABC. I watched half of it then had to get Taydem in the bath and in bed. So I will watch the rest of it sometime this weekend. So far so good! Grey's starts tonight! The Biggest Loser and Dancing with the Stars early in the week! It's so terrible that I get excited about all these shows. All it really does is stress me out bc I feel like I can't miss any episodes. Thank goodness for DVR!

I am still giving volleyball lessons (thank goodness for extra cash!) and I love every minute of it. I'm working with three girls right now. We have Tay's gymnastics tonight at 6, then volleyball lessons right after. Tomorrow the volleyball team travels to Nac. I won't be making that drive to see a boring butt kicking game. We played Jacksonville on Tuesday and it was so slow and boring. So Friday night Tay and I will stay home and catch up on TV shows and laundry. Tuesday we will play Whitehouse at their place in Tyler. Now this should be another good game.

Trever is now playing on a fall baseball team called East Texas Prospects. It's a showcase team that will play on Saturday and Sunday's at different Junior Colleges in Texas. Lots of traveling headed our way. I think he's finished in November sometime.

We are having a "girls night out" next Thursday! I can not wait. Mom bought us all tickets to see Miranda Lambert in concert in Shreveport. We have the best seats: down on the floor, third row back! I love this lady and her new band Pistol Annies, who better be there as well singing! And yes, you better believe I will be rocking out to every song. Thanks to my Momma!

Here are a few random pictures. Happy Thursday!
My handsome nephews! Ashby, Aidan, Truitt and Tucker

Ally Austyn and Taytay

Um...Taydem's work of art

Wednesday, September 21, 2011

Another one bites the dust

And down goes Jacksonville

And this is Taydem at every home game. If the other gym has music then she is still probably doing the same thing. She doesn't have a shy bone in her little body and loves to dance. Usually the crowd is pointing their fingers and smiling at her instead of watching the warm-up. Of course, she loves the attention. I have to keep her off those poles though..... I'm sure they ask, "Where did she learn all those moves from?" So stay off those poles Taydem!

Monday, September 19, 2011

Get the Brooms out....

We "swept" Hallsville in 3 games! That's riiiight, 3 games! It's always even better when you kill them in their own gym! Leven was on a high all weekend long. Our girls played the best they have ever played. We all agreed if they had played like they did against Hallsville on those 3 losses we have, we would be undefeated right now. Every girl showed up to play that night. I hope they continue like this up until playoffs.

Here's the short newspaper article...dang Longview News Journal...we just killed those girls and this is all we get??

Leven fired up at the ref!

Friday, September 16, 2011

Nuff Said....

Big, BIG game today against Hallsville. Leaving work early to get a good seat! I will let you know the outcome Monday morning. Have a wonderful weekend.

Wednesday, September 14, 2011

All for FREE

Chrissy hosted a Willow House Party back in August and yes, it was a successful one. Look at all the stuff she got for FREE....let me repeat....for FREE! Thanks again Chrissy.
Please go to my website on a weekly basis and check out weekly specials!  

Leven's team won last night against John Tyler. 24-3 Babeeeeeeeee! We meet our big rivals (Hallsville) this Friday at 4:30. Please come and SUPPORT Leven and his team.

Hey folks! It's WEDNESDAY....Happy Hump Day.
 Time to celebrate...Let's DANCE!

Tuesday, September 13, 2011

-leven's team is now 23-3. they play john tyler tonight. (lady pirates are ranked 15th in the state poll)
-trever is now realizing he has to really step it up this year in school. tough load on him, but he can do it. he just needs to quit playing and get his mind right.
-taydem is WILD. let me repeat...WILD! she doesn't ever slow down. will she ever slow down?? she is also never quiet. she talks more than her daddy and brother put together. and we all know that's A LOT! i told leven last night watching her run around crazy...she is NOT a baby/toddler anymore. she is a little girl with a mind all her own.
-i'm making it =)
-my sister felt her baby girl kick for the first time last night.
-my parents are back from a week long trip to tennessee.

prayers needed: i have never even seen or met this young man, but we need to send him all the prayers he can get.  yesterday during athletics (Trever's class period) they were all in the weight room lifting weights. chris had the bar on his shoulders (w/ weights on the bar) and was stepping up onto a step. not really sure what happened next (knee gave in, ankle gave in, lost his balance, etc) but he fell forward on the ground with the bar still on his shoulders. he went through several surgeries yesterday and he is now paralyzed from waist down. freak accident. pray for his heeling and pain and to give him strength mentally and physically through this tough time. he is a sophomore this year.

Friday, September 9, 2011

9, 10, Leven Barker

One of Leven's senior volleyball players wrote an essay about him for her English class. (See below) I thought this paper was written perfectly for him. I know it made his day when he read it. It doesn't matter how bad your day is something like this makes all the negative go away. If you are reading this and Coach Barker has ever been your coach...leave a comment in our comment box. I'm sure he would love to hear your thoughts.
Happy Friday.

9, 10, Leven Barker

“Oh my gosh, he is so scary!”
“I know! He yells at us for every little thing!”

Coach Barker was the conversation being dispersed throughout the whole gym of volleyball girls. It was the second day of two a days and we were all stretching while we were waiting for him to begin practice.


The gym immediately quietened. The air conditioning unit and drops of water bounced off the gym floor filling the silent atmosphere. He paced around the gym staring at each volleyball girl with fierce eyes. Coach Barker’s height made him powerful without saying anything. His eyes are like lasers, just looking at them makes you swell up. The feeling of unexpectedness was killing us. However, that is the mind of a freshman. The freshmen year Coach Barker is nothing compared to the senior year role model we all love.

“Atta baby Robey….Nice set….Bam!!”

These are some of the phrases you would hear entering a lady pirate volleyball practice now. His sense of humor enlightens practice to where it is fun and enjoyable but at the same we all have our minds set on volleyball. Along with 7 returning varsity players, Coach Barker is one of the reasons we can achieve our goal of reaching the state tournament this year. Over the years, we have realized his ways of discipline and coaching are making us better athletes and shows that he believes in us. Also, fundamentally he is definitely the best coach in East Texas. He has played volleyball his whole life and knows every aspect of the game, whether it is a certain position, line up, or rotation. Without Coach Barker Pine Tree Volleyball would not be the same. We wouldn’t be able to make fun of his accent, or pick on him for his growing belly. If we did not have him as a coach, we would not be able to win as many games as we have. Coach Barker has made us tougher on the court. He has our mind set to win mentality. Losing is unacceptable. With our kind of mentality we would not have been able to fight through our close games or play to our level in the easy wins. Freshmen year we dreaded being on varsity. Now, we have never loved a coach more in our lives. We have changed him to be a better person, and he has definitely changed us. When this group of seniors leave, it will be a heart break for us and for him.

Lauren Cude

Yes, I am a very proud coaches wife!

Thursday, September 8, 2011


When someone says the date 9/11....EVERYONE remembers exactly where they were that day, what they were doing, and the emotions that were running through their body.
This Sunday marks 10 years since that horrible day changed the lives of thousands of Americans. This week we've been watching specials on TV honoring the lives killed, the families that are without and how that dreadful day changed our country. I just sit and cry. Picture after picture, song after song, video after video....tears.
Our church is honoring this day on Sunday just as many other churches will.
 IN GOD WE TRUST. This is what we must always remember as a country.

Wednesday, September 7, 2011

Here are some recent pictures off my iphone........

Another new picture app I found

Sportin' the side ponytail and her Barbie car

Aidan's select baseball team got second this past weekend in Rockwall. They give BIG rings as awards now instead of trophies.

My first attempt on french braiding. Yes, I need some more practice!

Leven's teams won last night. Freshmen, JV and Varsity all killed Longview High School!
22-3 going into district starting on Friday....LP---> YOU KNOW!

Tuesday, September 6, 2011


Fires in East Texas are out of control right now. Today it is so cloudy outside (from all the smoke) that you can hardly even breathe. Ashes are falling out of the sky. Please pray for rain and for all the firefighters and volunteers working hard to put the fires out.

Leven's team beat Henderson on Friday----> record...21-3. They finally play at home tonight against Longview. Piece of cake!

Yesterday was Molly's birthday! We celebrated over dinner and laughs. I got only one picture from the night. Here's Taydem with her Uncle Eric.

Friday, September 2, 2011


Have a wonderful Labor Day weekend.
This is a small clip of Taydem in gymnastics last night!