Monday, March 14, 2011

Never skipped a beat....

Taydem's surgery went very well last Friday. We got up to the hospital bright and early for pre-op and she was in good spirits the whole time. See picture...

After surgery not so much. See picture:

After post-op, WE were all ready to get home. See picture:
After 3 1/2 years I have now come to a conclusion that this child really is tough! Her pain tolerance is not normal. Wednesday I took her in for pre-registration and they needed to draw blood. I was so nervous about the whole blood thing. I don't even do well when I have to get blood taken. I'm not sure if I was more nervous for her, or for me. We sit down and the nurse tells me where to hold on to Taydem (hold her down in other words). Taydem with her big bright eyes was watching that nurse's every move. The nurse tells me to get ready bc Taydem is going to "buck." As the nurse sticks her in the arm, Taydem never moved!! I couldn't believe it. She just sat there wondering what the heck this lady was doing. Of course, the nurse couldn't find the vein. So the needle was just sitting under her skin while she moved it around trying to find the vein. Ugh. I couldn't watch. Taydem started getting upset, but she was terrified to even move one bit. I swear it took her about 2 minutes to find it! I was starting to get upset myself and if she pulled that needle out, she wasn't gonna try again. Finally, BLOOD! Once Taydem saw the blood, she stopped wining! Wow!

After surgery on Friday they also had to take her IV out and again, she just sat there! I couldn't watch.

That afternoon (i'm guessing after the morphine wore off) she was back to her normal fun self! Running around, singing, dancing, doing toe touches, playing Momma to all her babies, and eating! I figured her throat would be a little sore from having the adenoids removed, but guess not!

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