Friday, July 16, 2010

sniff sniff

yes, i have a cold in the middle of july. what tha heck? i get so tired of blowing my nose and trying to sleep at night with it all stopped up!

leven and i had a really good relaxing time in arlington at coaching school. i'm finally starting to figure out the dallas/ft. worth area. and yes, i'm almost 30 and it took me this long! we relaxed by the pool during the day and ate really good at night. i think i gained around 4 pounds while i was gone for 2 days! leven ran into old coaching buddies and of course made several people laugh while we were there.

today us girls will head back up to the dallas area for danin's bachelorette party. we are actually going to addison. i really like that area. tons of good food and good nightlife. if i were single this is where i would mingle for sure. only about 5 of us will be up there tonight and then the other ten or so will join us poolside tomorrow. after this weekend everything will SLOW way down for us. leven starts volleyball in less than a month and then school is right around the corner. summer 2010 has really flown by! i'll have tons of pictures to post after the weekend. until next time...

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