Tuesday, July 20, 2010

"Are You a Mime?'

This past weekend we celebrated my younger sister's bachelorette party in Addison, TEXAS! Being the maid of honor, I was in charge of putting the whole weekend together. I am horrible at being creative, but I know my sister pretty well. In the beginning, once I started talking with all the girls, we decided that more than a just a few of us wanted to make a weekend out of it and drive up on Friday after work. So I had to start planning for that day as well. The week of the party, only 5 decided that they would make the trip on Friday---bummer! It was actually pretty nice just having us 5. NO DRAMA, just FUN! So the girls were....Danin, Brandi (bridesmaid), Krystal (bridesmaid), Samantha (college roomate) and myself! We had a blast together. We started off eating at Hula Hans (good choice KK) and ended the night at Sherlocks! I love love love a place with a live band! The band that night at Sherlocks (they were the same band a few weeks ago that Lev and I saw while we were there) are really good! Here are a few pics from Friday:Saturday started off by trying to recover from the night before. Once you get out of staying up late, it's a killer! We ate some breakfast and headed back to the hotel for some pool time. Now let me back up....the hotel we stayed at wasn't the hotel I was thinking about!! It wasn't the best hotel in the world, but it worked for us. Now the pool was teeny tiny and when we got back to the hotel after eating breakfast the whole pool was covered by shade. So what to do?? We decided we would walk over to the hotel next door and use their pool! So we got dressed, grabbed our drinks, music and started that way. I went and checked out the other pool before the other ladies got down. By the time they made it to the parking lot OUR hotel pool was full of sun! P-E-R-F-E-C-T! So we ended up using our pool. All the other ladies started to arrive around noon. The first to arrive were my cousins from the Houston area! We love those girls so much and I was so excited they got their when they did. We had plenty of catching up to do around the pool before everyone else got there. The "Smith" girls resemble the Kardashians very very much! Three sisters, long dark hair, big brown eyes! Chelsea (the oldest and reminds everyone of Kourtney) has been married for 4 years and has a little baby girl inside her belly! She was a trooper ALL day and ALL night! Thanks again Chelsea! Channing (the middle sis and is soooooo Khloe) had a large time that night! She is the life of the party and is in her own world most of the time! She makes me laugh! Had so much fun dancing with her at the Black Finn (and Chan, stay away from the balloons!!) Chera (the baby and is so much a diva like Kim) is 19, still in college, single and living it up! Chera had a large time at Pete's Piano bar and felt it later that night (no need to go any further!) She's still so young and makes me jealous of her beautitul youth.

Once everyone made it to the hotel we all dressed in our favorite black and headed downstairs for a little lingerie party for Danin. And boy did she get a lot of really cute~sexy outfits! Again...jealous!We left there and grubbed up at The Blue Goose. By far this was the BEST mexican food I have ever eaten! Again, by far! I love mexican food and have tasted good restaurants everywhere. But most of the time you have a favorite restaurant with the best chips, salsa, margaritas, food etc. The Blue Goose had it all! My lips are watering as I type!

After stuffing our faces we headed to Pete's Piano bar. I love this atmosphere so much. I love music and watching two guys singing, playing the piano and making people laugh just does it for me! We stayed there for about 3 hours and I could tell a few of the girls started yawning and getting bored. We hurried over to the Black Finn before somebody fell off the wagon!
We ended the night with tears, laughs, a late night trip to McDonalds, and staying up talking. I hope Danin had a good time and will always remember it! Thanks again for ALL the sweet friends and family that drove up to Dallas to help celebrate Danin!

1 comment:

CMAK2 said...

great recap dev! carolina & i had a blast!