Wednesday, July 28, 2010

Count down....

My sister's wedding is getting closer each day. There's so many last minute things that my mom and Danin are running around trying to take care of. I help when I'm told or asked to do something! Last night we went over to Mom's to cut the programs up for the wedding. My cousin Chelsea designed the programs, Danin printed them off and I cut the suckers in half! My arm got a good workout for sure. Thank goodness I brought home the office "slicer" or that would've taken us forever! My mom has really done so much for this wedding. One of her extra bedrooms looks like Hobby Lobby threw up in there! I'm excited and can 't wait. Weddings are always fun and Danin is the only wedding this summer! Last year we had 5! Dustin and I will be singing in the wedding and my BFF Carla will play the piano for the wedding. Danin has 4 bridesmaids/groomsmen, 4 ushers, and ALL the grand babies are in the wedding! Yes, ALL of them! The two smaller kiddos will ride down the aisle in a wagon pulled by Aidan (he's the oldest). We pray that they all do their part! I will have tons of pictures in a couple of weeks from this beautiful day!

Leven has gotten in high gear already for volleyball. The month of July he has had "open gym" three days a week. He did a camp last week for his junior high kids and this week he has his high school kids in a camp and he and Trever leave early tomorrow morning for another camp Leven's doing in Teague! Next week 2-a-days START! He loves his team this year and is excited about the games again. When we first moved here it was hard for him to adjust to a new school, new rules, new girls, new PARENTS, etc. Now these girls know him and love him and respect him as a person and as their coach! He's ready to get this season going! These girls work hard everyday for him! What more could you ask for in a player?

Trever hasn't slowed down much this summer either. I will be ready for school to start again to get him back on a routine schedule. He LOVES Pine Tree. He has made so many new friends and where we live is so perfect for him. He's been working out every day and I can actually see some muslces starting to pop through! He's really changed a lot this summer. I bet he's grown 3 inches! It's scary b/c he turns 16 in November and a lot of his friends are already driving! C-R-A-Z-Y!

Taydem is talking up a storm. She has always been a talker but we can now understand her words better! She's still the sweetest little girl EVER. Loves to give kisses and hugs and is so caring. She loves school and is learning so much. She knows her numbers, colors, shapes, ABC's and still loves to sing! Her smile makes me smile! She's gonna be the flower girl and is super pumped about wearing her dress!

I am loving bootcamp more and more every day. I started a different bootcamp at a different location this go round. I have three times during the day that I can make the class. So much better. If I can't do it in the afternoon's I go in the mornings before work! I'm on week 4 right now and I'm finally starting to see a change in my body. ugh! Still haven't lost any weight, but everything is getting smaller! Choir starts back up tonight, I still try and catch some TV when I'm not running around crazy, and I'm in love with my husband and kids!

1 comment:

Kristen said...

I can't wait to see pictures of the wedding- i know your sister will look stunning! You should be getting the tutus today- I hope you like them!