Tuesday, July 6, 2010

God Bless America...and the rain!

I was so looking forward to this past weekend: laying out in the sun, playing volleyball in the sun, swimming, getting some color from the sun......but NO it was nasty all weekend! It didn't stop us from going out on the lake, but still! I am thrilled that our pretty flowers and green grass got some rain, but it didn't have to rain on and off the whole time. Saturday we got out on the lake around 2 ish and we never saw a glimpse of the sun. We still played volleyball and swam. We ended the day over at the West's house where they had fish, shrimp, and oysters catered! Yum yum!

Sunday morning our church put on the best 4th of July celebration performance. Performances like that make me proud to be a member of Mobberly Baptist, proud to be a member of the choir, proud to be an American and proud to be a christian!

After church, we headed back on the lake. Leven played volleyball (in the rain) for a good 3 hours or more! He was loving every minute of it. He always stacks his team and they never get off the court! I hung out with friends, watched Taydem swim and play in the sand. It rained up until about 7 and then we saw the clouds part their ways. A few, not normal, things happened:

1. Kelly Monaco was out at the island (google her if you must!)
2. Steve Holy was there as well (he sang with the Mark Cooke band that night)
3. Mark Cooke and his band set up and played ALL night long and we danced....
4. Taydem sprained her ankle bc she was dancing so much!
5. I lost 2 pairs of flip flops this weekend (I left one pair over at the West's house (I got tired of looking for them) and I only came home with one shoe from the boat (Again I got tired of looking for it's mate...too dark!)

Yesterday, we cleaned the house, washed clothes, mowed the yard and I drove to see Danin's new house being built! Love it! They have done a really good job so far.

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