Friday, October 30, 2009

Halloween at work!

Some of my co-workers decided we should dress up today at work. It was so funny checking out everyone's costumes. I couldn't find anything I liked, that wasn't a sexy outfit! That's pretty much every woman's costume out there these days. So I went to Walmart last night and bought a long black wig and fake eyelashes. I figured I could make something out of that. When I got to work some thought I was a pirate and some thought I was a punk rocker! haha. Here's a few pictures.........Everyone have a safe and exciting weekend!

Tuesday, October 27, 2009

I love to Dance

Taydem is so funny when it comes to music. She loves loves loves to dance and of course sing! On Monday nights we love watching our dancing shows: "So You Think You Can Dance" and "Dancing with the Stars!" I had to record her last night dancing. Enjoy!

Monday, October 26, 2009

Halloween is here

This past weekend was so wonderful. We did nothing for once! Leven ended up going to the boats early Saturday morning and Taydem and I were lazy all day long. We made some crafts, went to the park and washed clothes. I say "we" because she really does help me when I'm cleaning. She loves to help me! So our craft session was making those marshmellow thingys my cousin Sterling had made. I will have to say, ours didn't look half as cute as Sterlings. Taydem loved it though so that's all that matters, I guess. Now we have like 30 marshmellows on a stick in our kitchen. Saturday was such a pretty day that I took her to the same park she had her birthday. It was crowded. Parties going on everywhere! I had to follow her around to make sure she didn't get run over by all those big crazy kiddos! And of course, she threw a fit when we had to leave.

Yesterday afternoon our church was having their annual "Trunk of Treat" festival. Last year Taydem didn't really know what was going on so I knew this year would be better for her, and ME! I dressed her all up in her cute outfit to show her off! She looked too cute! She had a blast. Everytime she got to reach into a big candy bucket she would only pull out SUCKERS! The messiest candy EVER! I hate suckers! I get to dress her up again on Friday for her school and then of course on Saturday!

Wednesday, October 21, 2009

Bahweeball 8-3

I think Leven's record in district is now 8-3. They won last night against Sulfur Springs. Taydem is trying to repeat everything we say now. She just can't say them correctly. So volleyball is pronounced "Bahweeball!" Leven's sister, Terri, has been visiting us since Monday and it's been a real treat! She had business up here so she jumped on the opportunity to head our way. One thing about Holidays that drives me CRAZY is all the CANDY! I can not control myself. Right now I have Hershey kisses in front of me. They are the caramel kind and I'm addicted! I'm so excited that Taydem can actually get into Halloween this year! I'm so ready to take her from door to door. She's going to be a leopard this year!

Monday, October 19, 2009

She did awesome!

I'm not much of a bragger, but I have to now!

Taydem had her pictures made this past Saturday with Jessica Eubanks (local photographer). I was so worried the whole time b/c last time Jessica took her pics Taydem did horrible and I was so embarressed. I asked Danin to go with me to help entertain Taydem. She did AMAZING! The whole time I kept thinking to myself, WOW, not only is my little girl adorable, but she has the personality to go along with it! She hammed it up the whole time. Danin would strike a pose and Tay would copy. We got so tickled at her. Jessica said that if she were a commercial photographer she would definetly have Taydem's pictures in magazines! She couldn't believe she was just 2, and an early 2 at that! She went ahead and posted two pictures that I could peak at and she said the rest will come in about 2 weeks. I can not wait!
Leven played Hallsville Friday night and seriously took a good ole butt whippin'! It was so BAD! His girls didn't even show up to play. There were so many fans that came out that day to support them too. Trever and some of his friends got painted up to show their support! So needless to say, Leven's girls had 8:00 practice Saturday morning! We are still in second place, which Leven kind of wants to go second just for playoff purposes. He thinks that will be the best route for them.

Friday, October 16, 2009


Leven's team won on Tuesday night and tonight they play big ole undeafted Hallsville! The games on Friday start at 4:30 (b/c of football games afterwards) so I always leave work early to make it there on time. I have to work through my lunch, but it's always worth it! Trever and some of his friends are painting their face for the game! Hopefully their will be tons of support there for the girls and Leven.
Last night Trever had his football game against Hallsville and then afterwards Leven had to run him back for his choir concert. Well, they actually made it to the choir concert on time! The football players got into a big brawl right in the middle of the field. Of course, Trever was talking it all big last night when he got home and Leven said, "Trever you won't get in trouble b/c you were standing behind the coach!" haha, that's a Leven comment for sure! But anyways, they cancelled the rest of the game after the fight! Here's a picture from his concert though.
Tomorrow we are going to watch some of the Texas vs Oklahoma game and then head to Tyler to a big pumpkin patch over there. Taydem will love it! I'll post pics of Monday. Have a happy weekend everyone!

Tuesday, October 13, 2009


Leven's team is now 6-2 in district. The next 4 games will be played at home so that is a huge advantage for us. Tonight they will face Texas High and then Friday is the BIG game against Hallsville! Right now we are sitting in second place, which is good! Hallsville is undeated.
One of the best parts of my day is dropping Taydem off at daycare. It's really funny, but the past 2 weeks she watches me sign her in and then waits for a kiss from me! It's soooooooo sweet and I just love it!

Trever's football team is 3-0 in district. They are pretty much giving Pine Tree a little bit of HOPE coming up for Varsity in the next few years. He has really enjoyed football this year. He made all A's and 2 89's the first 6 weeks. I can't believe the teachers didn't bump up those 89's!! He goes to tutoring also in these classes every morning. But I will have to say, that's pretty dang good being all advanced classes! Way to go TREVER!!

Sunday, October 11, 2009


Friday was my 29th birthday. For the first time, I just wasn't feeling this birthday. It's getting way to close now to the BIG 3-0! AND for some reason the BIG 3-0 scares me! Today Mom cooked the best lunch EVER for my birthday and my nephew Aidan's birthday. His was on the 7th and mine on the 9th. My parents really need to hurry up and build their new home fast. There's getting to be too many of us all in one house.

Last night we went to Flight Night. We have really loved going to this since they got it started. Tatum ISD holds this annual event to raise money for scholarships for graduating seniors. They have a silent and live auction, great food/drinks, live band, tons of wonderful folks there and it's out at the airport in Kim Smith's hanger! What more can you ask for. Too me, it's like a wedding with no bride and groom! Plus it's for an awesome cause and they raise tons of money for it every year.

Tuesday, October 6, 2009

Revalation Song

I heart Kari Jobe! I put some of her videos down at the bottom of my page. Check them out! My favorite of course is Revalation Song!

Monday, October 5, 2009

Sickness everywhere

I have never used anti-bacterial soap as much as I have lately. Everyone is sick!! Just in my family: Molly is getting better now, Ashby, Truitt, Tucker and now Darin! I am staying far far from Tatum. I'm taking Taydem to the doctor today to get her seasonal flu shot. I honestly can't tell you the last time I had a flu shot or even had the flu! Same with Leven. While teaching I never got the flu shot even being around all those nasty kids. Too many people get the shot and end up with the flu anyways. Keep praying for Brittany's husband Donnie. She said now they have said he has the Swine Flu along with pnuemonia. He is so much better and even opened his eyes this weekend.
I took a picture of Taydem and Trever before church yesterday. Trever is definetly in that awkard stage right now. He's starting to mature and long with maturing comes the pimples, ATTITUDE, and weird squeaky sounds coming from his voice!! I called him a smartass the other day. Ooops! Probably shouldn't have, but I'm not going to let him get an attitude with me! If I let him, he will continue.
Leven has a big week in volleyball. Longview tomorrow night and Marshall on Friday---both away games!

Friday, October 2, 2009

Boas, Tutus and Heels, OH MY!

Taydem loves playing dress up. My cousin Chelsea bought Taydem a hot pink boa for her birthday. At first she wasn't too crazy about the boa, but now she's starting to warm up to it. Last night I got her to put it on so I could take some pictures. I got one shot with it around her neck. She's so wild at night time. I don't know what it is. Lately she's been hitting the bed at 10:00!! She loves to run through the house screaming, loves jumping on the couches and beds, climbing on the chairs, climbing on the window seals (behind the blinds), and loves HIDING! Her new thing is hiding in our closet behind all the pants. She keeps us moving at all times.
Trever gets his first report card today. We have been telling him over and over how important it is to stay in the top 10% in his class. He wants to attend The University of Texas so bad!! So we will see how he did this first round. Tonight is homecoming at Pine Tree. Trever has to sing with the choir at the pep-rally and at the game tonight and then he has to work in the concession stand. He keeps us moving as well.

Tomorrow we are hitting up Canton. I have lived here in East Texas my whole life, practically! And I have never ever been to Canton. I'm pretty excited about it. I've heard to wear tennis shoes and get ready for the crowds! Danin, Mom, and Brandi are going with Taydem and I. And we are heading out early early! I really want to get my Christmas shopping started early this year. I hate waiting until the last minute and not really getting to enjoy my shopping. I hope to find some cute things for my nephews and my new little niece!