Thursday, July 2, 2009


Our little angel is growing up right before our eyes. She will be 2 in August and I can say she's not a little baby anymore. The toddler stage is all around us now. Check out this picture:

(I just got her haircut in this picture)

I picked her up from daycare on Monday and her eye looked like that (this picture was taken Tuesday afternoon and doesn't look as bad as Monday). The bad part about it, her teacher was the one who socked her. The teacher (who just graduated from high school) felt extremely bad about it and was almost in tears when she was trying to desribe to me what had happened. She said she scratched her with her finger nail. She must have really put some power behind that scratch b/c her eye was bruished from it. I was really pretty upset with it, but seriously that's the bad thing about having kids in daycares. Yesterday she comes home with a bite mark up by her shoulder! Taydem is the smallest in her class and I think she gets pushed around more than the other kids. I've noticed at home she's hitting more and saying "No!" I guess the only plus to all this daycare business is she will learn to be tough.

A few things about Taydem right now: She NEVER watches TV. I'm not really sure why not either. We LOVE TV, but she's so busy all the time and won't ever slow down to watch a cartoon or anything. The daycare doesn't let kids her age watch TV, so I think that has a lot to do with it. She loves to EAT and always has. She loves any kind of fruit (so far) especially bananas, strawberries, peaches, and pears! She also loves any kind of pasta. It's messy, but she can really fill herself up on it. She is into chips now and loves to dip her food into anything (especially ketchup). She sees us dipping and thinks she has to as well. She loves her drinks and cause all drinks "Juice!" Her favorite thing to eat is a GRILLED CHEESE!

She enjoys pushing a broom across the floor, helping me wash clothes, putting her shoes on and off on and off, loves the water, giving kisses, dressing up, playing with dada before going to bed, and SLEEPING! We were blessed with a child who loves to take naps and go down for bedtime. That has never been an issue with us. She has just started paying attention to what she wears and then hearing people tell her how pretty she looks. She eats it up! I put her in a little tutu the other night and she got so mad at me when I took it off. She probably wanted to sleep in it!

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