Tuesday, July 21, 2009

Rain!! Yippee

It's raining it's pouring I wish I was snoring! Taydem kept us up all night last night. She couldn't stop coughing and then the coughing would wake her up and then she would whine and moan until one of us went over to her. I gave her some medicine and then put her in bed with us. She slept under Leven's armpit all night!! Taydem will probably have allergies just like Leven and Trever and they started bothering her this past weekend. Yesterday after work we all went over to the house to clean windows and Dad and Leven messed in the yard. We started sweeping the floors on the inside and all that sawdust must have got to her. Poor thing....

Right now it's raining so all the men that were going to work on the house decided to come tomorrow instead. They will work on the marble in the showers and backsplash in the kitchen. Once the marble is finished, they floors will be put down! I can't believe how close we already are. I ordered some new furniture yesterday so that's just as exciting. We needed new bedroom furniture for our room, new couch and chair for living room, and 2 pieces of furniture to go under our TVs since they will be on the wall. Later, we will buy some barstools and a TV for the gameroom. I also ordered Taydem a new bedspread for her room. We are saying bye bye to her baby furniture and getting into a big girls bed!! My mom is giving Taydem my bedroom furniture as a child! Thanks MOM! It's all coming together and we are extremely blessed for my parents help!

Trever's team lost to the winners of the South zone. Henderson won the first game, we won the second and Henderson won the last. It was kind of bittersweet. They had been playing since April so I think we were all happy for it to end. Leven was really happy. He was stressing me out for him being so stressed!

Have a nice week to all!

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