Monday, July 6, 2009

Happy 4th of July

This weekend was so much fun! We always have a good time on the 4th. You simply can't go wrong with the lake, tons of food and drinks, family and friends! Friday Mom, Danin, Tay and I went shopping for the house. We needed to buy fans, light fixtures, door knobs, bathroom stuff, etc. Thanks to my mom for the help. That stuff overwelms me! After we were finished we met Leven and Trever out on the "island" while Mom kept Taydem for us. We had a blast. We stayed out there on the island until after 9 hanging out with friends. Saturday all the family came over and we stayed out on the island most of the day getting tons of sun and watching Leven and Trever play sand volleyball. That night we went out on the boat for the annual 4th of July firework show that Lake Cherokee puts on. There was a huge delay and didn't start the show until 11:30. We were all so bummed about not getting to see them this year. But we were all so tired and the babies were too! Here's a few pics:

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